Former National Socialist White People’s Party Activist Runs for Congress in Republican Primary

According to this story, Arthur Jones, who is on the ballot in the Illinois Republican primary for Congress in the 3rd district, is a former National Socialist White People’s Party activist. That is one of the U.S. groups that generally have been considered adherents to Nazi doctrines.

The 3rd Illinois district is now represented by Democratic Congressman Dan Lipinski. It covers part of Chicago and some of its Cook County suburbs. Jones is one of three Republicans on the primary ballot. The article says Jones would rather have run under another party name, but because it took 600 signatures to get on the Republican primary ballot, versus 5,000 to run as an independent, he chose the Republican primary route.


Former National Socialist White People’s Party Activist Runs for Congress in Republican Primary — No Comments

  1. Regardless of how you see it, 600 supporters of that kind of opinion is bad enough.

  2. Why not? We already have a racialist (attended a black racist christian identity “church” for 20 years) in the white house-though he’s controlled by the banksters and the military-Israel complex.

  3. Mike – I seriously doubt all 600 people who signed his petitions knew he was a Nazi.

  4. Jones has run in Republican primaries before in the district, but I don’t think he has ever gotten the nomination. If the GOP has its act together to any significant degree in that district, Jones will go down to defeat again.

  5. He’ll fit “RIGHT” in with the Teapartiers. Hope he makes it and then is vetted by the media. Dems will win again for sure.

  6. Pingback: Former National Socialist White People’s Party Activist Runs for Congress in Republican Primary |

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