Michigan Supreme Court Reverses Grebner Decision 4-3

On November 21, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled 4-3 that giving the two major parties a list of the people who vote in their presidential primaries, and making it a crime to give the list to anyone else, serves a public purpose. Grebner v State, 135274. Here is the decision.

The Justices acted even though the case had only been presented to them two days ago, so obviously they didn’t have much time for careful thought. As to the point about discrimination against minor parties, the majority quoted from Chief Justice Rehnquist’s sentence in Timmons v Twin Cities Area New Party (the 1997 decision that upheld state bans on fusion) that states have an interest in discriminating “in favor of the traditional two-party system”. The Michigan Supreme Court completely ignored a 1970 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Socialist Workers Party v Rockefeller, that specifically said states may not give the list of registered voters to the qualified parties and not the unqualified parties.

The Michigan Libertarian Party is already planning a federal lawsuit to challenge the Michigan discriminatory policy.

There is still no guarantee that Michigan will hold a presidential primary in 2008. The law mandates that unless both the Democratic and Republican Parties want a presidential primary, there will be no presidential primary. Democrats earlier said they wanted a presidential primary, but since the existing law requires candidates to file if they wish to be on the ballot, and since most Democratic contenders had refused to file, it is not certain that Democrats want a primary.


Michigan Supreme Court Reverses Grebner Decision 4-3 — 2 Comments

  1. The EVIL MORONS involved on all sides did NOT yet detect the *secrecy of the ballot* clause in Mich Const Art. II, Sec. 4 regarding the CLOSED Jan. 15, 2008 primary scheme.

  2. The 4 EVIL party hacks did NOT note EU v. SAN FRANCISCO DEMOCRATIC COMM., 489 U.S. 214 (1989) — Distinction between PRIVATE and PUBLIC parts of political parties.

    The PUBLIC part ONLY involves the direct nomination of candidates for PUBLIC office in PUBLIC primaries and conventions.

    Michigan appears to have the uniquely EVIL system of party hack nominations in party hack conventions (by law) and then alleged nonpartisan general elections for the Mich Supremes (by the Mich Const) — due to the party hacks in the 1961-1962 Mich Constitutional Convention and each party hack legislature since 1964.

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