Some Illinois Presidential Primary Ballots Must be Trimmed Before Machine Can Count Them

According to this story, 25 jurisdictions in Illinois are using presidential primary ballots today that are too large to be fed into the vote-counting machines. They will need to be trimmed before they can be fed into the machine.


Some Illinois Presidential Primary Ballots Must be Trimmed Before Machine Can Count Them — No Comments

  1. Isn’t that so typical of bureaucratic engineering? Glad those weren’t levees on the Mississippi or a bridge not quite far enough.

  2. See the recent Katrina flood case.

    More govt MORONS at work in IL — assuming a private company actually made the ballots – in violation of a contract ???

  3. Will the trimming cause votes to be wrong — i.e. overvote or undervote ???

    Scanner ballots are produced with a HIGH accuracy regarding the oval locations.

    i.e. yet one more mess for the courts ???

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