Congress May Ease Restrictions on Government Employees’ Ability to Run for Partisan Office

According to this story, there is some likelihood that Congress will ease the Hatch Act, which now prevents many individuals from running for partisan office. HR 4152 and S1270 would eliminate the part of the Hatch Act that blocks state and local government employees from running for partisan office, if the federal government funds that state and local government. Congressman Darrell Issa, chair of the House Committee that has jurisdiction over the House bill, says he favors a stronger bill, probably one that would give more freedom to federal employees.

The old Hatch Act, passed in 1939, made it illegal for government employees to do any voluntary labor whatsoever in connection with a partisan campaign. The old Act, for example, made it illegal for a goverment employee to help with a petition drive to place a party or a candidate on the ballot. That restriction was lifted in 1993.


Congress May Ease Restrictions on Government Employees’ Ability to Run for Partisan Office — No Comments

  1. James Ogle for president here.

    I am for all Americans, and not just Libertarians. I am an outsider who is trying to gain proportional presentation (PR) in all elections (ranked choice voting in multi-winner districts) and I am against the roadblocks that plurality elections and single-winner districts are creating.

    We are helping to teach “Mr. Veto” about a better way than plurality-style veto the legislation. That’s old school. The new school is multiple alternatives, the more the better, and then a consensus (100%) that’s agreed on by all parties can be reached. Only laws approved by this system should be considered the most democratically legitimate.

    I’ve innovated ranked choice consensus voting to achieve this new positive development.

    The Libertarian Party status-quo is opposed to my free speech activities as I fight for all parties, all independents, all voters and non voters.

    My team consists of people who use the ranked choice voting in multi-winner districts, and who want liberty and justice for all people across the board, not just dues-paying Ls.

    You may want to check out my site and learn about what a team like this can accomplish. I won 52.7% of the total votes in the only state primary in the US that fell before the L convention in Vegas, and I am applying my strategy to my national campaign.

    I spent only about $35. on the victory.

    I spoke for about five minutes a few weeks ago in Ventura at the California LP state convention, and before that I spoke for about 10 minutes in 2007 in San Ramon, CA when I ran for state chair on these same issues.

    I’ve been promoting this since 1992. PR gives women, third parties, and all interest groups more exact representation in government. It’s based on percentages. When the LP wins 5% of the votes, they win 5% of the representation under proportionalism.

    I also ran for Governor of California in 1994 with the Green Party, and I spoke for ten minutes at their 3-day convention about this at that time. Obviously, ten minutes at a three-day convention isn’t a long time, so I am locating other free speech avenues like this one when possible.

    I learned about the Libertarian Party’s philosophy of the non-initiation of force in 1993 from Hon Harry Browne, and I like it.

    You’re not for that? You’re not for giving every voter to liberty to self-categorize as they wish? I am for more liberties for all voters. We can’t offer liberty to only Ls and expect to garner more than 1% of the votes. I’m for this now. Not tomorrow. Today, 2012.

  2. Obama is a good man.

    Unfortunately, he’s the wrong gender for my personal plan.

    I’m running for president as a Libertarian, so I can try to help organize a gender balanced “unity ticket”, preferably a slate with a woman presidential or vice presidential candidate. I think we’ll get a lot more votes with a gender balanced team, and by running for president, I’m asking all men to consider voting for your opposite gender #1 – the top woman candidate available for president. And if you like my plan, please consider voting for my name as #2.

    I’m working with 20 different presidential candidate choices, of whom six are of the female species. 😉

    The Elected Members of the Presidential Debate Committee (PDC)

    James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] for President

    Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] for President

    Miss Joy Waymire [Libertarian] for President

    Tina Cook [Independent] for President

    Jim Burns [Libertarian] for President

    Mosheh Thezion [Libertarian] for President

    Danny (Dan) Woodring [Independent] for President

    Mike Levinson [Republican / Independent] for President

    Rhett Smith [Green] for President

    JL Mealer [Constitution] for President

    Max Abramson [Libertarian] for President

    R. Lee Wrights [Libertarian] for President

    Gary Johnson [Libertarian] for President

    Diane Beall Templin [American Independent] for President

    Ralph Beach [Libertarian] for President

    David L Wetzell [LT Party Movement] for President

    Captain David Frey [Independent] for President

    Tiffany Briscoe [Independent] for President

    Gina Zenzola [Green] for President

    Joshua-Paul Angell [Communist] for President

  3. How much useful work does ANY govt person do — as a candidate or not as a candidate ???

  4. the public employee unions are the problem.

    obama was not born on US soil and is and was not a natural born citizen of the US. the CIA created this situation with its various rouge agents with international interventionist policies attemping to change nbc eligibility requirement — all contrary to the US constitution.

  5. NBC is a bit STONE AGE primitive stuff regarding ALLEGIANCE — AT BIRTH — to a nation-state regime.

    — in 1787 — due to the EVIL stuff in Europe with its EVIL monarchy/oligarcy regimes — i.e. NO foreigner connection with a U.S.A. Prez being CIC.

    It became more and more out of date since 1815 – end of Napoleon stuff

    — BUT – still in the U.S.A. Const. — like other lunatic stuff — the U.S.A. Senate — and the indirect minority rule gerrymanders for U.S.A. Reps. — regardless of ALL of the MORONS in the media, universities, public schools, etc. since 1776.

  6. A bit more – NO shortage of EVIL robot party hacks playing the blood line stuff in nation-States –

    WW II –
    Hitler and his master race
    Hirohito and his master race
    Result about 70 MILLION dead humans in the world.

    Other more recent bloodline stuff – Arabs, Jews, etc.

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