Angus King, Independent U.S. Senate Candidate in Maine, Far Ahead in Poll

On April 6, Maine People’s Resource Center released the results of a poll for various Maine election races. In the U.S. Senate race, the poll assumed that the Republicans will nominate Charlie Summers, and that Democrats will nominate Matt Dunlap (the primary is in June). The results: Angus King, independent, 56.0%; Republican Charlie Summers 21.8%; Democrat Matt Dunlap 12.2%; other and undecided 9.9%. See the entire poll here. The U.S. Senate results are on page eleven.

No one other than the Republican and Democratic nominees for U.S. Senate in Maine has ever polled as much as 10% of the popular vote in the past. The United States has been electing U.S. Senators by popular vote starting in 1914.


Angus King, Independent U.S. Senate Candidate in Maine, Far Ahead in Poll — No Comments

  1. His main claim to fame seems to be his “green energy” hucksterism. How many millions of birds are slaughtered by his windmills?

  2. Windmills:
    I learned that wind turbines are unimaginably larger than I thought. It’s not a matter of having a cute little windmill in your backyard. A turbine is 400 feet tall, weighs 600,000 pounds, and is rooted in tons and tons of poured concrete. If one is nearby (and given the necessary density, one is always nearby), it generates a relentless low-frequency thrum-thrum-thrum that seems to emanate from the very walls of your home. The dark revolving shadows of its blades are cast for miles, and cause a rhythmic light-and-shade pulsing inside and outside your house. Living in an area with all that going, many people have developed headaches, nausea, depression and hypertension.

    The effect on property values is devastating…. Nor do other living things like wind turbines. Their blades, revolving at 150 miles an hour, slice birds into pieces and create low-pressure areas that cause the lungs of bats to explode.

  3. Pingback: Angus King, Independent U.S. Senate Candidate in Maine, Far Ahead in Poll |

  4. Being an independent vote that could swing the Senate majority puts Angus King in a powerful position. In a recent post, I argue how he can and should leverage this for the good of the republic. How a King Can Save American Democracy: Whether he has the guts to do so remains a question.

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