N.Y. Sun Notes McCain Praise for Mayor Bloomberg

The New York Sun, more than any other daily newspaper in the U.S., runs frequent commentary about the possibility that New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg might run for president as an independent. The December 14 Sun ran this article, noting that at the Iowa Republican presidential debate on December 12, Senator John McCain had praised Mayor Bloomberg’s record on improving New York city schools. The story hints at the possibility that McCain and Bloomberg are forming an alliance.


N.Y. Sun Notes McCain Praise for Mayor Bloomberg — 1 Comment

  1. Speculation about the formation of Unity started with the McCain/Lieberman possibilty a few years ago largely because McCain was rumored to be considered by Kerry in 2004, and Lieberman was supposedly now Independent. There will likely be other scenarios that emerge as diverse as Edwards (supposededly running against the special interest political establishment) to Ron Paul – a more natural third party possibility.

    The Draft Bloomberg camp sticks with Mayor Mike because of his true financial independence which will translate into governing decisions that are not swayed by special interests. The evidence is in based on how he ran his company and his city – he remains the best fusion choice.

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