McKinney Makes it Official

On December 16, former Georgia Congressmember Cynthia McKinney formally declared her candidacy for the Green Party presidential nomination. See here for her statement.

If she wins the Green nomination, she will be the first minor party female presidential candidate who had previously held an important elected office. By contrast, just since World War II, there have been quite a few male minor party and independent presidential candidates who had previously held high elected office, such as Henry Wallace, Strom Thurmond, George Wallace, John Schmitz, Eugene McCarthy, Lester Maddox, John B. Anderson, John Rarick, and Ron Paul.


McKinney Makes it Official — 7 Comments

  1. With we Greens now looking at the possibility of Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney and Elaine Brown all seeking our nomination, we finally seem to have broken through to a larger group of visionary leaders.

    This is a very good thing, and I am thrilled to have rep. McKinney seeking our nomination. Her supporters should remember well that she is not the only person seeking our nod.

  2. Gregg and NE – I’m hoping your comments are in jest. This woman is not visionary in any manner except for her own headlines and this is certainly not good news for the GP as so many in our nation recognize that CM is a joke. If anything GP will lose credibility by supporting her. Can anyone honestly say that they can visualize this person as president? please.

  3. I hate this for the GP. She’s such a public joke. She’ll bring nothing to the party but water cooler jokes.

  4. Cynthia is intelligent, articulate, and bold. She has stuck her neck out on many occasions, so it is no wonder that she is “joked” about on talk radio and around some water coolers.

    She has stood strong on issues that greens and progressives care about. She has stood up for, not only black americans, but for many minority communities. I will be proud to be part of her campaign as a green.

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