Constitution Party Now on Arkansas Ballot for President

On December 20, the Arkansas Secretary of State’s office approved the Constitution Party’s petition for presidential status. The party is now on for president in 15 states. Exactly four years ago, the party was only on in 10 states.


Constitution Party Now on Arkansas Ballot for President — 7 Comments

  1. so what> these people do not have a presidential candidate and like most third parties thay like to fight among themselves.

  2. Will Bates,

    This site mostly caters to third party activists, the news is mostly for us.
    As for our presidential candidate, we have several prospective candidates–just like every other party right now.

  3. In politics EVERYBODY fights among themselves. It is the nature of the beast.

    The Constitution Party National Convention will take place in Kansas City, April 23-26 at which time we will nominate a candidate for President. Don’t mistake “quiet” (for the moment) for “inactive.” America will certainly hear from the Constitution Party in 2008.

  4. The Constitution Party has never had a nasty battle for the nomination. They will rally around the candidate when chosen because they will chose a candidate consistent with the party platform.

  5. my friends maybe you know more than me. i may vote third party if the gop nominates nominates a real first class bafoon like one of the so called was my understanding tht the constitution partyhad suffered a very serious split.. merry christmas to all.

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