Law Professor Explains Why California Electoral College Initiative, If on November 2008 Ballot, Won’t Apply Until 2012

Constitutional law scholar Vikram Amar as this essay on Findlaw, on the California initiative to let each U.S. House district choose its own presidential elector. Backers of the initiative earlier said they cannot get the signatures in time for the initiative to be on the June 2008 primary ballot. Therefore, they hope to place it on the November 2008 ballot. The essay rebuts the idea that the initiative, if passed in November 2008, could go into effect in time for the 2008 electoral college process.


Law Professor Explains Why California Electoral College Initiative, If on November 2008 Ballot, Won’t Apply Until 2012 — 1 Comment

  1. Since when is Prof Amar a member of the U.S.A. Supremes — who control ALL ??? See Bush v. Gore 2000.

    Regimes enact nonstop retroactive CIVIL stuff ALL the time — regardless of prof MORONS.

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