Nevada Supreme Court Knocks Kucinich Out of Debate

MSNBC just announced that the Nevada State Supreme Court just ruled against Dennis Kucinich and in favor of NBC. Yesterday, a Clark County court judge ruled that NBC should be required to include Kucinich.

An hour before tonight’s debate is to start, Kucinich will now not be allowed to participate.


Nevada Supreme Court Knocks Kucinich Out of Debate — No Comments

  1. I was surprised at the level of sympathy for Kucinich that this story produced around the ‘net tonight. People (including me) seemed to be bewildered at the lengths NBC went to (not to mention the legal costs) in order to keep him off of this debate. What difference would it have made if he had been there? And why didn’t the other candidates speak up in favor of letting him in?

  2. Damned corporatists!! Voice to the people for srying out loud. Poor Dennis, I thought he pulled it off. Those damned courts just give me a bad case of diarrhea.

  3. “And why didn’t the other candidates speak up in favor of letting him in?”

    Because the other candidates are cowards.

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