U.S. District Court in New Jersey Strikes Down One-Year Duration of Residency Requirement for Legislative Candidates in Redistricting Years

On June 26, a U.S. District Court in New Jersey ruled that a one-year duration of residency inside a district violates the U.S. Constitution, as applied to an election that occurs immediately after redistricting. Robertson v Bartels, cv-01-2024. Here is the opinion.

This same court had made a similar ruling in 2002, and had enjoined the state from enforcing the one-year duration of residency requirement. But a few months ago, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that the federal court injunction is no longer binding. But, the federal court has just said the injunction is still binding, but only for elections that immediately follow redistricting. Thanks to Justin Levitt of Election Law Blog for the link.


U.S. District Court in New Jersey Strikes Down One-Year Duration of Residency Requirement for Legislative Candidates in Redistricting Years — 1 Comment

  1. Regardless of MORON courts —

    Each State is a sovereign NATION-State for its internal political stuff —

    1776 DOI last para
    1783 U.S.A.- Brit Peace Treaty
    1787 Const Art. VII

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