Ron Paul Says He Hasn’t Decided Whom to Vote for in Presidential Election

Recently, Ron Paul was asked on-air about his vote in November for President. He said, “I’ve not made a decision.” See this story.


Ron Paul Says He Hasn’t Decided Whom to Vote for in Presidential Election — 11 Comments

  1. He should vote for Gary Johnson or Virgil Goode, although Johnson is pro-abortion and Virgil Goode is starkly different from Paul on some issues.

  2. I just hope he doesn’t cave in like his son did. To NOT make an endorsement would certainly be his right.

  3. Gee – the alleged libertarian Elephant is clueless about who to vote for ???

    Has he gone senile ???

  4. “1.:-) Says:
    July 20th, 2012 at 11:18 am
    He should vote for Gary Johnson or Virgil Goode, although Johnson is pro-abortion and Virgil Goode is starkly different from Paul on some issues.”

    I just read up on Gary Johnson’s stance on abortion last night, and Johnson opposes abortion after the fetus becomes viable (as in abortions during the later stages of pregnancy).

  5. Ron Paul ran for the Republican nomination. If he had won he would rightly expect the vote of all fellow Republicans in November. Ron Paul would be intellectually dishonest to not vote for Mitt Romney.

  6. “He should vote for Gary Johnson or Virgil Goode, although Johnson is pro-abortion and Virgil Goode is starkly different from Paul on some issues.”

    Johnson is definitely not pro-abortion. He might, however, be pro-choice. Someone who is “pro-abortion” is someone who goes around trying to get all pregnant women to abort their babies. Johnson obviously doesn’t do that.

  7. 7 –

    “Someone who is ‘pro-abortion’ is someone who goes around trying to get all pregnant women to abort their babies.”

    Not really. They’re now too busy now trying to round up doctors to serve on death panels. It’s more economical to kill old people than it is to kill unborn people, after all.

    For the life of me I can’t see why liberal pro-abortion people can’t see eye to eye with Republicans, whose healthcare plan can be stated simply as “Just die, will you?”

  8. Although I am not planning on voting for Gary Johnson but to be fair it should be pointed out that:
    1. Gary Johnson is for overturning Roe V. Wade.
    2. Was against public funds for abortion.
    This makes Gary Johnson less pro-abortion than Mitt Romney who gave public funds for abortion services and mandated abortion coverage.

  9. “Ron Paul would be intellectually dishonest to not vote for Mitt Romney.”

    Ron Paul would be intellectually dishonest to vote for Mitt Romney based on his own ideology which he has publically espoused for several decades.

  10. Although I disagree with Ron Paul politics, I have always admired that he put his political beliefs ahead of his political party. In 2008, not only did Ron Paul not endorse John McCain, he did not endorse the Libertarian Party nominee Bob Barr either. He endorsed Constitution Party nominee Chuck Baldwin instead.

    Gerard Davis
    A write-in candidate for the Green Party nomination for the Arizona State House of Representatives from the Twenty-Fourth Legislative District

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