Two Cases Filed in U.S. Supreme Court, Urging the Court to Strike Down Section Five of Federal Voting Rights Act

On July 20, two cases reached the U.S. Supreme Court, both filed by local governments asking that the Court strike down Section Five of the federal Voting Rights Act. Section five is the part of that Act that requires certain governments to get approval from the U.S. Justice Department before changing any laws relating to elections and voting. One case was filed by voters in Kinston, North Carolina; another was filed by Shelby County, Alabama. Scotusblog has the details. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


Two Cases Filed in U.S. Supreme Court, Urging the Court to Strike Down Section Five of Federal Voting Rights Act — 4 Comments

  1. What genius member of SCOTUS can detect —

    13th Amdt and the original Art. I, Sec. 2 — 3/5 slave stuff.

    14th Amdt, Sec. 2.

    15th Amdt, Sec. 1.
    How many BRAIN DEAD lawyers are there ???

    The 15th Amdt is about who is an ELECTOR — NOT anything else.

    NOTHING to do with what stuff is ON or NOT ON the ballots.

    NOTHING to do with any other thing or non-thing in the universe since the alleged Big Bang.
    For the ignorant —
    In the Nov 1868 election Prez Grant barely won in many NORTHERN States having many black ex-Union Army and Navy Vets of the Civil War.

    PANIC among the Elephants in the lame duck Congress in Jan-Feb 1869 – old terms ended on 4 Mar after each Prez election.

    Result — the 15th Amdt – ratified in 1870.

    Later – 1877 Blacks/negroes left to ROT in many northern and southern States — until the 1950s – 1960s —

    with the *politically correct* VRA in 1965.

    When will the gerrymander Congress REALLY enforce ALL of the const amendments regarding the EVIL State/local regimes ???
    Death penalties ???
    Life in Jail ???
    UN-limited criminal fines ???
    UN-limited civil damages ???
    Example – Any officer or employee of the United States or any State [including any subdivision of any State] who violates 15th Amendment, Section 1 shall, after conviction by a 6th Amendment jury, be hung in public until dead with a sign on the body – This EVIL FELON person subverted 15th Amendment, Section 1 and Democracy.

    Gee — NO more 15th Amdt violations by the robot party hacks after ANY grand jury indictment ???

  2. The Justice Department announced that it has reached an agreement with Grayson County, Va., that will allow for the county and its four political subdivisions, the Grayson County School District and the towns of Independence, Fries and Troutdale, Va., to bail out from their status as “covered jurisdictions” under the special provisions of the Voting Rights Act, and thereby exempt these jurisdictions from the preclearance requirements of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. The agreement is in the form of a consent decree filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and must be approved by the court.

    Grayson County filed its bailout action in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on May 3, 2012. Counsel for the county contacted the attorney general prior to filing the action, indicating that the county was interested in seeking a bailout. The county provided the Justice Department with substantial information, and the department conducted an investigation to determine the county’s eligibility. Based on that investigation, the department is satisfied that the county meets the Voting Rights Act’s requirements for bailout.

    So bailouts do happen.

  3. #2 Grayson County is 92% White.

    How many 100s of pages of documentation and investigation were required?

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