Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Web Page Discusses Independent Candidate Angus King, but not Democratic Nominee Cynthia Dill

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee web page lists “races to watch” here. If one scrolls down to the entry for Maine, one sees that the web page discusses independent candidate Angus King in a positive manner, but does not discuss the Democratic nominee, Cynthia Dill. This story about that race says that Dill is unhappy with the Committee.


Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Web Page Discusses Independent Candidate Angus King, but not Democratic Nominee Cynthia Dill — 3 Comments

  1. Cynthia Dill should be unhappy with the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. It is the DSCC’s job to help elect Democrats to the United States Senate. While I understand that the DSCC doesn’t have the financial resourses to help fund every Democratic senatorial candidate, they at least owed Cynthia Dill the courtesy of acknowledging that she is their candidate in the senate race in Maine. With all of the support she’s going to get from the DSCC, she might as well be running as the Green Party nominee.

    Gerard Davis
    Green Party write-in candidate
    Arizona House of Representatives, District 24

  2. Cynthia Dill is being… *puts on sunglasses* a pickle.


    Ok, ok, enough with the bad puns. Dill actually has a point. The DSCC should’ve at least MENTIONED her…

    Angus won’t get “grilled” over this one. All right, okay, I’m out of here.

  3. Pingback: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Web Page Discusses Independent Candidate Angus King, but not Democratic Nominee Cynthia Dill |

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