Huckabee, McCain Seem to Differ on Voting Rights for D.C.

Mike Huckabee has been on record ever since August 2007 as being in favor of full voting rights for citizens who live in the District of Columbia. However, in September 2007 John McCain voted against the bill to give D.C. a voting representative in the U.S. House. He has not addressed the subject since then, as far as is known.


Huckabee, McCain Seem to Differ on Voting Rights for D.C. — No Comments

  1. Does full voting rights entail only a congressman who can vote on the House floor? Is/has there been any discussion of senatorial representation or is that all tied up with the statehood question?

    Is the bill to get two more congressman, one for DC and one for Utah, stalled or dead?

    DC should have voting rights. As Reagan said the right to vote is “the most precious liberty”.

  2. The Utah-DC bill was killed by the U.S. Senate last September. It is probably dead until the new Congress convenes in January 2009.

  3. brad i am opposed to voting rights for dc.this was never a part of the plan. you are right we do need to replace the clock about 500 of them in congress.

  4. The District is WAY bigger than the Constitution calls for, retro-cede all but 10 square miles to Maryland, keeping just governmental office space, museums and Park areas.

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