For First Time Ever, Iowa has Registration Data for Unqualified Parties

For the first time ever, Iowa is keeping track of how many people register as members of unqualified parties. This is because the Iowa Libertarian and Green Parties won a lawsuit on this subject last year. Those two parties are the only parties that then applied to be on the Voter Registration form. Forms listing those two parties have only been in existence for a month.

The Iowa Secretary of State says there are now 58 registered Libertarians and 34 registered Greens.


For First Time Ever, Iowa has Registration Data for Unqualified Parties — No Comments

  1. Updated Libertarian Party Registration Statistics

    I’ve just updated the numbers on my Libertarian
    Party Voter Registration Statistics page

    The number I’ve come up with for the 21 states that currently tally the number of registered Libertarians is 234,094.

    Richard Winger’s total for these same 21 states was 235,500 as of Nov. 2006. My number contains more up to date totals.

    The total number is 253,114 when you add the states (Nebraska, North Carolina, Oklahoma, West Virginia) that until a few years ago tallied registered Libertarians, giving one a general theoretical number of potential Libertarian voters in the 25 states that tally, and have recently tallied, registered Libertarians.

    To see the most recent tally of other third party registered voters visit this page by Richard Winger of Ballot Access News.

    In Freedom & Liberty,
    Ryan Brennan

  2. Ryan, the 20,187 figure you give is from the 2006 State Primary Political Designation Enrollment Statistics as of 08/30/2006 which is in your chart.

    But just above that is the 2006 State Election (General Election) Political Designation Enrollment Statistics dated 10/18/2006 which is more recent and not in your chart shows the total as 19,253

    So it appears the party lost almost a thousand members (934) in 48 days.
    As for Phillies figure of 16,352. it’s his state and I’d be willing to bet that his figure is more then likely correct.

  3. Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office ran a new report on February 21. The new Mass. Libertarian total is 15,499.

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