Democratic Party Registration Gains, for the First Time Since Before 1992

In the 29 states (and D.C.) that have registration by party, the percentage of voters who are Democrats has been:

1992 47.76%
1994 47.13%
1996 45.69%
1998 44.94%
2000 43.84%
2002 42.68%
2004 41.87%
2006 41.64%
2008 41.66%

All the figures are for October or November of the year indicated, except that the 2008 figure is as of either late 2007, or early 2008. The only exception is Maine, which hasn’t done a tally during the last year. Maine data is included but it is as of November 2006.

A state-by-state breakdown, plus figures for independents and minor parties, will be in the print edition of Ballot Access News, March 1 2008 edition.

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