Minor Party Presidential Debate to be Broadcast Live on Link TV, Al Jazeera

The October 23 presidential debate sponsored by Free & Equal, which will include Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, Virgil Goode, and Rocky Anderson, will be broadcast live on Link TV and Al Jazeera. It can also be watched live on-line at www.freeandequal.org/live.


Minor Party Presidential Debate to be Broadcast Live on Link TV, Al Jazeera — 14 Comments

  1. I knew that there’d be foreign media that would be interested in minor party and independent candidates in America. This is one reason why I suggested that Gary Johnson show up at the Presidential debates between Obama and Romney and get arrested and have it video recorded. I think that it would get a lot of publicity on-line, plus in the foreign media and independent media.

  2. Posted this information on my Facebook. I don’t know how many people it will reach but the more informed the better.

  3. Were any of the left-wing presidential candidates (ie. Stewart Alexander, Peta Lindsay, Stephen Durham, etc.) invited to this debate?

  4. #5, the standard for the debate was to either be on the ballot in states containing a majority of the electoral vote, or to be at 1% in a nationwide neutral poll.

  5. So Rocky Anderson is at 1% in a national poll? That seems hard to believe. He and the PSL candidate are at the same level in terms of electoral votes.

  6. Tired of divisive wedge politics and the exclusionary nature of plurality single-winner district elections?

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  7. #7, there was a national poll early in the year which did include Rocky Anderson, and found him at 4%.

  8. Andy, in 2004 Libertarian candidate for president, Michael Badnarik, and Green Party candidate, David Cobb, were arrested for trying to commit free speech at a phony debate between Bush and Kerry. They were released after a few hours.

  9. #6- The irony of course is that, since the left-wing presidential candidates have not been included in a national poll, there is no way for them to reach a 1% threshold.

  10. Will the fact that these “other” candidates are appearing on Al Jazeera and not on our own precious networks have the R’s and D’s labelling them as terrorists? Kinda strange that Al Jazeera, that network so despised by many Americans, are actually doing something, that fundamentally, is MORE American than our own networks are doing.

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