
Bob Barr Announces Presidential Exploratory Committee — No Comments

  1. and he is a ‘name’!

    Face it, out side of Perot, Nader, the Dems and the GOP, no one in the general population remembers third party ‘local losers’ from past presidential election cycle[s]!

    How ever revered no name party loyalists are with the tiny inside cabal, in the bigger world —–they are still no names…..

  2. Don,

    You forgot George Wallace, John Schmitz, Lester Maddox, Benjamin Spock, Eugene McCarthy, and John Anderson!


  3. And I am supposed to be awake when I blog?

    Point[s] well taken. Too bad about McCarthy and RFK in 1968! Kennedy should have done the ungreedy, honorable thing and supported the Peace Movement, not usurp it!

    What a different world it would be with McCarthy/ Kennedy in 1968 and 1972!

  4. Thanks for the kind remarks, Don. By the way, I forgot to mention John Rarick (American Independent Party) in 1980.

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