Alan Keyes Leaves Republican Party

On April 15, Alan Keyes announced that he has left the Republican Party and that he is seeking the Constitution Party presidential nomination. Here is the article in Hazleton, Pennsylvania’s daily newspaper. Keyes made the announcement in Hazleton.


Alan Keyes Leaves Republican Party — No Comments

  1. Alan Keys should read a copy of uncle toms cabin, before he makes anymore moves. He would realize he was in the right party for him.

  2. I don’t know, if Keyes will get CP Presidential nonmation or not. But I hope he is not run out of the CP like they did Jim Gilchrist. How will the CP every grow without new members.

  3. There is little chance that Keyes will be the CP nominee. Also Gilchrist was not run out of the CP.

  4. Keyes is pulling another Pat Buchanan of tiring of being a little fish in a big pond and trying to become THE little fish in a littler pond. It didn’t work out well for Buchanan and it probably won’t for Keyes. Why should the CP allow such a self-promoter to waltz in and hijack their party?

  5. Keyes is a joke.worse than harold stassen.I hope the cp chooses some candidate with class.

  6. I thought that the Constitution Party was paleoconservative. Isn’t Keyes basically a Neocon?

  7. I think the Constitution Party will follow its gut feeling and nominate someone like Chuck Baldwin for President. It’s a shame for many CP members that wanted Roy Moore to run (although if you want him to run, maybe you could have him run for Congress or something).

  8. No he is a: paleoStraussianneoCyborgiaquazianarchofederaldeclarationist.

    Seriously, you guys ought to give it a rest with all that crap. Does anyone really think that the average working person who represents 99% of the voters in this country gives a rat’s a– about any of those silly designiations.

    If it makes you feel refined and educated, fine, but it won’t win you any votes.

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