Guam Democratic Caucus is Next Event After Pennsylvania

The April 22 Pennsylvania primary is April’s only Democratic Party nominating event. After that, the next round is the Guam caucus, which has received little publicity. Guam Democrats will choose 4 delegates on Saturday, May 3 (actually, though, 8 will be chosen, and each will have a half-vote). Caucuses will be held in all 19 municipalities. Any registered Democrat may participate. Voters vote directly for candidates for Delegate, using paper ballots supplied by the party. Filing to run for Delegate closed on April 18.

Republicans held their Guam caucus on March 8. John McCain won that event.

Guam is the only U.S. possession that also votes for president in November. However, since Guam has no electoral votes, the November presidential vote doesn’t actually affect the national outcome. The Guam vote for president in November doesn’t even rate a mention in U.S. newspapers. In 2004, the November vote was: Bush 21,490; Kerry 11,781; Nader 196; Badnarik 67.


Guam Democratic Caucus is Next Event After Pennsylvania — 20 Comments

  1. Do you know what kind of ballot access requirements/hurdles Guam has for the November election?

    Do they have a process for Independent candidates?


    The Guam Attorney General provides this browsable, PDF version of the Guam Code Annotated. Includes background on the code; link to public laws enacted by the Legislature. Also provides Guam Organic Code, Administrative Rules, Procurement Regulations. Codes, rules and regulations all are linked from the attorney general’s home page.

    Guam Supreme Court provides database that contains session laws of the Legislature, Guam Code Annotated, Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations, Guam Supreme Court opinions.
    See the 1944 Guam part in Victory At Sea — TV series.

    How many U.S.A. military folks are based on Guam ??? Lots.

  3. Without any electoral votes, are Guam’s popular vote totals added to the national total?

  4. Interesting. What about American Soma (sic?).

    BTW, George Will has a half-way decent article on Bob Bar (Libertarian Party prez hopeful) and ballot access laws in the recent Newsweek.

  5. No, the Guam November totals are never added in to the national vote totals by any source that compiles that.

    Independent and minor party presidential candidates get on the November Guam ballot just by writing a letter, giving the names and address of the presidential and vice-presidential candidate, and the correct party label.
    Most independent and minor party candidates don’t know about this, and if they all started doing it, chances are Guam would put in more drastic requirements.


    Part 17. March 1, 1953
    THE TURKEY SHOOT Conquest of the Marianas

    Guam, a U.S. territory, gets invaded by Japan a few days after Pearl Harbor and remains under occupation for two and a half years before the Americans arrive to take Siapan and Guam back [by blasting to Hell the Japanese Imperial Navy – the Hirohito regime]. The Guamanians are thankful as the episode ends on their smiling faces, one of the most inspiring segments of Victory at Sea.
    McCain’s grandfather was one of the U.S. Navy carrier group commanders doing the blasting. He spent his life force and died a few days after the 2 Sep 1945 official surrender of the Hirohito regime.
    Uniform Definition of Elector in the ENTIRE U.S.A. NOW.

    i.e. REAL Guam votes for Congress and Prez/VP.

  7. Just more proof that since the beginning we have been a fractured society [District of Columbia, and slavery south of the Mason Dixon Line]. More proof that since 1886 [military industrial corporate take over artists in Honolulu] we have been a fascist global imperial empire!

    No P2008 electorial imput from Guam, the various Pacific islands [including American Samoa], the various Carribean islands, Gitmo, and, again, Washington,

  8. While getting rid of the electoral college would clearly be the best option for this, wouldn’t having the National Popular Vote plan mean that Guam’s (and all the other territories/colonies) votes would “count” as well?

  9. Having the National Popular Vote plan in place would not actually eliminate the electoral college, and would not result in the residents of the territories being able to cast a meaningful vote for president.

    But any constitutional amendment to eliminate the Electoral College and replace it with a direct popular election would need to specify which U.S. Citizens could participate, and might empower the residents of the territories.

    The same amendment might conceivably alter the restriction on citizens who were not “natural born” being president, which is why Arnold Schwarzenegger ought to be interested in the movement to reform the electoral college. Instead he has vetoed the National Popular Vote bill twice.

  10. Last week, Obama opened an office here–the first time a Presidential candidate has ever done this. Many folks out here are supporting Obama as a fellow Islander (raised in Hawaii).

    In November Guam votes 15 hours ahead of the Eastern Seaboard; and certainly we have more voters than Dixville Notch, NH. Yet historically the media does not report our first-in-the-nation election. We were a bellweather in 2004 (though Bush’s margin was much smaller than reported on this site). We got it wrong in 2000, sort of–voting for Bush by a slim margin while Gore won (the popular vote).

  11. We here in the Clinton Camp have always paid attention to the wonderful island of Guam – we feel you are part of our wonderful country and should have every right that the rest of our wonderful country does.

    I appeal to the great people of Guam to choose the candidate for those that have been told there was no way to obtain their dreams and that it was hopeless – look to Hillary as a symbolic figure of hope and change.

    Being a senior African American citizen – I have seen the hope that the Clintons have given to us over the decades – Bill recently was with Brad Pitt in New Orleans helping to restore hope there and Hillary attended a rally after the vote went for Obama – he was too busy with the campaign –

    Hillary cares for all of us – fights for all of us – and with your votes and super delegates she will win the office and we will finally see the results.

    I voted with my heart and conscience on what is best and what words really do mean.

    Please help

    Si Yu’os Ma’ase’

  12. Hillary Clinton has the experience, compassion, intelligence, knowledge, and leadership qualities to be a great president. She
    has an unbelievable command of the issues and is therefore prepared to initiate solutions which will not only benefit our country as a whole, but also each of us and our families. As has been proven during this primary season, Senator Clinton is very strong and will use her strength to stand up to the special interests in our behalf. If you have access to the internet, go to and get to know Hillary and read about the solutions she has for the problems facing our country. I have no doubt that once you come know the Hillary Clinton her supporters have come to know, you will give her your vote on May 3rd.
    Vote for Hillary!

  13. Obama cares about Guam as evidenced by the campaign office he opened there.

    Like some candidates still in the race and some no longer in the race, Obama brings to the presidency experience, compassion, intelligence, knowledge, and leadership qualities but there is something else he has that sets him apart from the other candidates, i.e. a humbleness that allows him to see a problem from more than one perspective and an eloquence to generate a following that is willing to sacrifice and work for real change. He and his supporters know that one person cannot solve our problems. It will take a movement of service and sacrifice.

    Older Balding Average Male Anglo for Obama

  14. Whereas Clinton has only cared about the states that carry large electoral votes such as Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, etc., Obama has had his campaign in EVERY state and territory. That’s why she is losing and why he is winning new voters all over the US and its territories. Vote for REAL change and choose Obama!

  15. Obama will win in Guam. He brings hope for the
    possibility of some very much needed change in
    Washington. If McCain is elected we will have four
    more years of George Bush, our economy will get even worse. If Hillary wins, the special interest
    lobbyist will be right there demanding their pay
    back for all the money they have given to her.

  16. If Hillary Clinton loses she won’t even mention the Guam Caucus…
    Obama has respect for all people and all states…
    If she wins, she’ll sound the alarm all over the world as if it was the single most important victory yet!

  17. When are they going to start putting stars on the flag for territories and districts? That would make it a total of 56 stars. There are 5 US territories: Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, America Soma and the Northern Mariana Islands. And there is 1 district: the District of Columbia. The current system is complete discrimination. Only states get a star but everyone else does not. Outrageous!

  18. Just about all current US states were US territories before they were granted statehood. Do you know what year the state that you live in was granted statehood and made the change from US territory to US state? If not, shame on you for not knowing your state’s history! Haha. Did you know that Hawaii and Alaska were the most recent territories to become states? They became states as recently as 1959! So during World War 2, when Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese, nobody said “the state of Hawaii” but instead it was “the territory of Hawaii.”

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