Washington Post Describes Bill Bolling’s Decision-Making Process on Whether to Run for Virginia Governor as an Independent

The Washington Post has this article about Bill Bolling, Virginia’s Lieutenant Governor. He was elected as a Republican in 2009 and, as the article describes, he is thinking seriously about running for Governor this year as an independent. Thanks to PoliticalWire for the link.

Although minor party or independent candidates for Governor have been elected since the end of World War II in the midwest, the west, and the east, no one other than a Democrat or a Republican has been elected Governor in a southern state since 1916, when the Prohibition Party nominee for Florida Governor, Sidney J. Catts, was elected.


Washington Post Describes Bill Bolling’s Decision-Making Process on Whether to Run for Virginia Governor as an Independent — No Comments

  1. Bill Bolling should run as an Independent Green Party candidate for Governor. Some members of the Independent Green Party, and some of the the Independent Green Party leadership have been collecting petition signatures for Bolling since January.

    These signatures – already collected by the Independent Green Party will matter. It is very difficult to get on the ballot statewide in Virginia. The Indy Greens are second to no-one in their success in Virginia.

    If Bill Bolling makes it on the ballot in November, the highest probability is that he will do it with the hard work of veteran, gifted, civic patriot, Independent Green Party petition gathers.

    The majority of the Independent Green Party leadership has been pushing for a Bolling Independent Green Party run for Governor. That started last fall when it became clear to veteran Independent Green Party members Bolling would need to find a new party if he wanted to run for Governor. Bolling is a two term Lt. Gov. Twice elected statewide. It is a big deal. The Independent Green Party appreciates, and understands this. Two to three decades of Independent Green Party work door to door has taught them this much. And more.

    Bolling running as a Green Party candidate, or Independent Green Party candidate is a game changer. Not only in Virginia. Nationwide.

    The Independent Green Party of Virginia has long sought to become Virginia’s third major party. Every year the Indy Green Party puts local, state, and, or federal candidates on the ballot across Virginia.

    A Bill Bolling Independent Green Party alliance in Virginia could be an impressive opportunity for a third way in Virginia politics.

    It could show the way for a fiscally conservative, pro business Independent Green Party focused on creating jobs in rail, solar, wind, geothermal, weatherization, sustainable, profitable green energy.

    In this writers opinion, it is what the most successful Green Parties worldwide have done.

    Do not forget. It was the Independent Green Party of Virginia that assured State Senator Russ Potts of a place on the ballot for Governor in 2005 by collecting thousands of volunteer signatures. That is because the sitting state senator Potts advocated for More Trains, Less Traffic, and other important Green New Deal initiatives.

    An independent committee of Independent Green Party leaders has Gail for Rail Parker, the state Vice Chair out in front. Gail for Rail is a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel. Gail for Rail is relentless. Gail for Rail’s Independent Green Party petition drive for Lt. Governor started in January. This Virginia businesswoman has proven her Green Party metal in campaign after campaign. Twice – in 2006 and 2008 – the Independent Green Party’s Gail for Rail was on the ballot statewide for U.S. Senate. Gail for Rail has in fact been on the ballot in Virginia every year since 2005 as an Independent Green Party candidate. So, when any Virginia politician hears Gail for Rail intends to be on the ballot statewide they know she means business. Green Party, as in the Green New Deal, sustainable energy business. This would be the 9th year in a row the relentless Gail for Rail Parker of the Independent Green Party is on the ballot.

    Gail for Rail has been joined in the Independent Green Party draft Bill Bolling leadership by Denny McKell. McKell is another U.S. Air Force veteran. McKell is a talented TV and radio producer, newsman. McKell created a series of videos urging Bill Bolling to run as an Independent Green Party candidate for Governor.

    And then there is the Political Action Committee created by Independent Green Party members to urge Bill Bolling to run as the Indy Green candidate. That has the potential to raise serious funds.

    Naturally those Independent Green Party realists and pragmatists also launched a web site.
    With great pictures of High Speed Rail, Gail for Rail, and Janet Murphy.

    There have been an abundance of Independent Green Party press releases. Video releases. Blog postings. And on this Sunday it is rumored and Op Ed from Gail for Rail will appear in the Richmond Times Dispatch.

    Greens continue to do the devoted, disciplined work necessary to preserve, and improve our Republic.

  2. Perhaps he should run on the Prohibition ticket. It worked for Catts!

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