American Independent Party State Convention Will Attract Attention

The American Independent Party state convention in California this year is set for June 6-8, in Sacramento, at a Denny’s Restaurant at 9256 3rd Street. This convention will choose presidential elector candidates. It is likely to receive a large attendance, because the state chair, Ed Noonan, apparently wants to nominate candidates pledged to Alan Keyes for president. This would effectively sever the American Independent Party of California from its status as the California affiliate of the Constitution Party, since the Constitution Party recently chose Chuck Baldwin as its presidential candidate.

The AIP state central committee will make the decision. The room reserved for the convention only holds 25 people. It is likely that the convention will need to move to a different location, since this meeting will attract a very large number of people. The AIP state central committee, according to the California election law, is not comprised of county central committee members of that party. Instead, the AIP state central committee is composed of the party’s candidates for partisan public office at the last election, and their appointees. The existing state central committee can appoint members (if the county central committee is not organized in that county) for all the partisan offices for which the party had no candidates in the last election.


American Independent Party State Convention Will Attract Attention — 37 Comments

  1. If Keyes accepts this I will lose all respect for him. An honorable man does not accept stolen goods.

  2. The Alaskan Independence Party Chairman is about to break her word to the CP, and provide Keyes with the AIP ballot line. She all but said as much last night on the Keyes conference call. Even though the Alaska delegation voted for Keyes at the CP convention, it was understood, and agreed upon that the CP candidate would be placed on the AIP ballot in Alaska. She even caste the Alaska delegation votes for VP for Castle. This commitment was further solidified by the resolution of support for the AIP U.S. Senate candidate which was unanimously passed at the CP convention. She is basing her decision on the spurious argument regarding selection of multiple VP running mates, which in no way conflicts with Alaska Election Statutes as she claims. Such a decision, if taken, will lead to the further loss of AIP credibility and an internal party split in Alaska. It will also hamper the U.S. Senate campaign, as the candidate, Bob Bird is a Baldwin supporter.


  4. That is very confusing about how California’s American Independent Party state central committee is organized. Perhaps what I wrote about a Reform Caucus being able to take control of the Party by 2010 should be amended: 2012 now seems more likely.

    The Alaska Independence Party situation is confusing to me also. If the Alaskan IP is not affiliated with the Constitution Party, how was it able to send delegates to the presidential and vice presidential nominating convention? I had thought that the delegation was an Alaskan affiliate of the Constitution Party.

  5. Bob Wayne, agreed, Ivy League know it all [Gore, Kerry, both Bushes], pro UN [THE League of Nations of the 21st Century], pro Trillion Dollar foreign adventure[s], anti civil rights. Agreed. Arrogant to the point [Julius Ceasar in March 33BC] of self destruction. [Ask him what time it is and he will tell you how the watch works…..]

    The Christian Right [whom should keep their religion at home in the first place] is better off with out this blow hard…..

  6. Precisely, Bob. The story by Sofa King is not one that I believe. It would not be appropriate for this website even if it was true. Furhermore, it seems like another racist attack on Alan Keyes – and there have been many before on these pages.

    Please, everyone: no more persoanl attacks!

    PS: If it seems like the world is going to “Hell in a hand basket,” it does because it is. Nevertheless, we can not just “throw our hands up in the air in despair.” I just finished watching the very good movie, “Lions for Lambs,” and it has inspired me even more to “fight the good fight,” as Gary Hart would say.

  7. Scurillous, filthy charges written like a cheap erotic novel from a two bit porno shop, a template already worked out with just a victim’s name entered into the text, can not only amount to bearing false witness-a serious sin, if the full name of the accused in this incident(s) is written and the alleged situation is false and never occured, one can be sued for defamation of character. I would advise posters to cease and desist unless they wish to court some very serious legal action. This is not joke, and is not taken lightly.

  8. I regulary send people to this website . This site has done many many good things to help american politics and for someone like sofa king to submit such a comment is a great diservice to the efforts of alot of people including Richard Winger. sofa king should be banded from this website , and it should be anounced that he/she has been banded.

  9. Jeff Spencer: Scurrilous, filthy charges or ‘spot on’ observations? And on top of it all, a little thing known as the First Amendment. Tiny brains like you need companion ship. Look up American Nazi John Blair! Commune with the Reform /Deform Party/ Independence Party fascists.

    Pretend that no one else has a right to opinions. There must be other planets for the likes of you. George II is planning on NASA trips to Mars. Plz volunteer!

    What are you afraid of, MacChicken?

  10. More: suing some one for defamation, defamation of character, liable, or defamation under false light when they are in a public administration arena [such as politics] is nearly impossible….

  11. Jeff and Larry are correct and my friend, Don Lake, is incorrect. Even if the charges are true (and I do not believe that they are); this website is not an approriate venue for writing about them. Sofa King should at least be censored – if not completely banned.

    It is very interesting how some people, when they want to defame conservative African American people (like Alan Keyes and Clarence Thomas), go right to the porno stuff. Racism and sexual stuff combined: What defense can one take against that? Thank God that lynching is no longer a common thing!

  12. At least the American Independent Party is having their meeting in a public venue. I live just east of Sacramento and the Reform Party of which I was once a Member had a so called event in Sacramento that was at a “undisclosed location” and you had to call someone for the “secret password”.

    I like Denny’s Coffee anyway.

  13. Poster “Sofa King’s” comments reflecting on Alan Keyes were removed, so “mission accomplished” anyways.
    Let this person who posted such stuff:
    a) publicly say THEIR full name in public if they have such a charge to level or incident to relate; and
    b) say the FULL name of the person they claim they had such an series of illicit encounters with.

    Then see if it will hold up in a court of law.

    If the person cannot sign their real name to such a charge publicly, but only write “Sofa King”, then it is prudent their comments are removed, which they were. There is Free Speech, there is also Responsible Speech. Rights come with responsibilities. Thank goodness the moderator of this forum showed some responsibility. Let us just stick to the high ground, whether one is for or against a candidate, and cease such anonymous mud slinging. It is known as showing a little class. This is a family forum as well; I think a lot of people did not appreciate such graphic filth.

  14. So what is the problem some of you seem to have with Ambassador Keyes? He’s a principled, comprehensive conservative and he’s a brilliant man and a terrific orator. I think he’d be a very good President.


  16. The problem that some people have with Alan Keyes is that he is African American. It is the same way with Barack Obama. The whole thing about the Senator’s former pastor got blown way out of proportion.

    Don: Since when defamation of character equal freedom of speech?

  17. In response to Steve Rankin’s comment: I am a citizen of Illinois and we are a liberal state. The state Republican Party has been rife with corruption and division for many years… I sincerely doubt that any conservative could have been elected in the 2004 US Senate race. Alan Keyes candidacy was used as a measuring stick to reveal how low Illinois is when it comes to wanting Constitutional government. He should have done much better with the name recognition factor alone!

    I have a question and would appreciate any credible answers: What is the disagreement these parties have with Chuck Baldwin as the Constitution Party presidential nominee? Or is it that they have more of a disagreement with the nominating process which took place at the national convention?

    Thank you.

  18. The problem with the Baldwin campaign has much to do with the nominating process for him and for his running mate which took place at the national convention. Many were shocked at the open manipulation of the process by Howard Phillips and others to achieve what appeared to be their predetermined outcome. Many felt that the delegates had been denied their voice in the VP selection. Also, many felt that Keyes and his supporters were treated badly.


  20. Dear Northern Exposure,

    Thank you so much for the explanation… I had heard about the shameful process which took place at the CP convention. Sorry Mr. Keyes had to learn such a hard lesson from first hand experience.


    Dear Will,

    Please know that the political climate in IL in 2004 was no joking matter… At least be appreciative that Dr. Keyes will take an uncompromising stand for the preborn human beings who are being slaughtered in their mothers wombs. Thank you.

  21. Bill Jenkins, the John “Mossad Agent” Blare/ John “Zionist Christain” Bambey sham NATIONAL CONVENTION {Sacramento, December 2007) was much WORSE THAN you let on.

    Details: 619.420.0209 or

    Trimmer per Neocon Keyes: ‘Principled’ to the Alan Keyes movement, maybe!; ‘Conprehensive Conservative’ oh, Pro UN, Trillion Dollar Debt —-after the Clinton Democrat Budget buffer, Pro war, Pro Federal Reserve System! Alan is not a conservative, he is a classic Neocon!; ‘Brilliant’ [any more than off the shelf dullards Carter, ReaganR, ReaganN, Bush I, ClintonB, Bore/Gore, Bush II, Scary Kerry (Philip Sawyer’s ‘Dog in The Fight’), ClintonH, Rice, Rumsfeld, or Jurist Thomas] oh come on, he is not even smart enuf to shut up and listen to the question!; Terrific orator [as large sections of the audience get up for drink and bath room breaks!] Not so, others [Hitler, Pope JPII, CastroF can harrange and hold it together for hour after hour, Alan loses folks after bout ten minutes! [Just because you say it is so, does not mean that it is……..]

    Phillip: And how many law suits are filed on public administration defamation? AIN’T ANY WON! For all of its faults, God Bless the First Amendment and California Article One, Section One!

  22. Although I disagree with Alan Keyes on some foreign and domestic policy positions, I have to say that the more certain people try to trash him the more that I like him personally. In addition, I think that he would get many more votes for the American Independent Party of California than Chuck Baldwin would. How about an Alan Keyes-Ezola Foster ticket? That would really show the country that there are conservative and moderate African Americans as well as liberal ones!

    Regarding my Party (the Peace and Freedom Party of California), we also have quite a struggle going on. We Reformers are engaged in battle with the Party’s Old Guard. What else is new? I am supporting the Nader-Gonzalez ticket and I am hoping that I will be elected to the Party’s County Central Committee. I plan on voting for Ralph Nader at our state presidential nominating convention in early August. If Mr. Nader does not make it, I will switch my vote to Cynthia McKinney. Only in California will you find this sort of excitement!

    Don: You and your people should come on back to the Peace and Freedom Party!

    Although I haven’t been asked yet, just in case the Obama Campaign wants my advice, I think that the Senator should immediately make Senator Clinton a one-time offer to be his running mate. If she does not accept within a couple of days, that should finally put a nail in the coffin of the Clinton Era.

  23. #25: “Many felt that the delegates had been denied their voice in the VP selection. Also, many felt that Keyes and his supporters were treated badly.”

    It’s customary in most parties for the delegates to honor the presidential nominee’s choice for VP.

    After losing (for the third time) the Republican presidential nomination, Keyes thought he could barge in and hijack the Constitution Party nomination. Not only has he not endorsed Baldwin, he’s apparently looking for yet another route to the November ballot.

    Notably, as soon as it became clear that Keyes would not win the CP nomination, the live feed of the convention disappeared from his website.

    The biggest differences between Alan Keyes and Harold Stassen are (1) their skin colors, and (2) Stassen did actually WIN an election or two before his long string of losses started.

  24. #29: “… that should finally put a nail in the coffin of the Clinton Era.”

    I suspect that the Clintons (1) know that B. Obamanation will very likely win the nomination, (2) figure that B. O. will lose in November, and (3) are looking ahead to 2012.

    I doubt that we’ve heard the last of the Clintons, although that IS a pleasant thought.

  25. WOW! All the political party options in California. Playing D.A., it sounds like divide and conquer to me. I’d love to support Alan Keyes, if he wasn’t such an international neocon. But that’s a big if. East of the Mississippi, we have two choices: 1)Support Ron Paul through St Paul all the way to a Nov.4 write in…or 2)Neocon McCain nail in the coffin cincher…IF ALL ELSE FAILS… Baldwin/Castle.

  26. #32: “Are you a Republican, Steve?”

    We don’t have party registration in Mississippi. I suppose I’m still a Republican– barely– although GW Bush and the big-spending GOP Congress have just about driven me into the “independent” column… not to mention the fiasco in Iraq.

    I haven’t voted for a major-party presidential nominee since ’84. I’ll vote for either the Libertarian or Chuck Baldwin this year.

  27. Mike: It isn’t “divide and conquer” – at least the way that I see it. It is just California politics. We love to enjoy life to the fullest out here!

    Steve: Thank you for your honest answer. In addition, I am very glad to hear that you not planning on voting for the Republican presidential nominee this Fall.

    What else can I say? I sarted off in my political life (a long time ago) as a Republican. Now days I think that the GOP is one of the very worst of the things that are wrong with our country. I have been predicting for the last few years that the Republican Party will be a ninor-sized party by 2012. I still believe that to be true and I am gleefully looking forward to it. I don’t want to offend anywone – and I know some very good people who are still Republicans – but I have had it to the limit. I simply can not understand how any caring and intellingent person can not be ashamed to be in the GOP. Go figure! I do not even try to understand it anymore. I don’t care. That’s it.

  28. Dick Morris said tonight that Obama has a shot at carrying a number of Southern states this fall, including Mississippi. If he carries Mississippi, he’ll be the first Democrat to do so since Carter barely did in ’76; Carter was the first Dem to carry the state since Stevenson in ’56.

    So, Phil, you’ve gone from Republican to the Peace and Freedom Party. People usually get more conservative as they get older.

    If McCain is elected, he’ll do a lot (more) damage to the Republican Party. If he seeks re-election at age 76, he’ll definitely have a conservative challenger. I believe that a lot of sh** is going to hit in the next 4 years, and the president and his party will be blamed.

    1956, when Missouri went for Stevenson over Eisenhower, was the only year since the early 1900s that Missouri has not voted for the winner for president. Does anyone know what issue(s) caused this? Stevenson, of course, was from nearby Illinois, but he lost Missouri in ’52 to Ike, who was from Kansas.

    Perhaps the Supreme Court’s 1954 and ’55 rulings on school desegregation had something to do with the ’56 result in Missouri??

  29. #36: The conservative challenger I predicted for McCain in 2012 will be for the Republican nomination– IF McCain is elected in 2008.

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