Bob Barr Formally Declares for the Libertarian Presidential Nomination

Bob Barr formally declared his candidacy for the Libertarian presidential nomination on May 12, at the National Press Club. Here is one article.


Bob Barr Formally Declares for the Libertarian Presidential Nomination — No Comments

  1. I’m curious what Libertarian Party members think of Bob Barr. Is he sufficently Libertarian enough? I’m not really involved in the libertarian movement, but he doesn’t seem to be entirely libertarian to me.

  2. Barr and Baldwin will pull as many votes from the Elephants as McKinney and Nader will from the Donkeys. It will be a wash, Demo Rep. Wouldn’t it be ironic if the real spoilers turned out to be Brian Moore (Socialist Party, currently on the ballot in two states) and Alan Keyes (whatever party will have him, currently on no-where).

  3. Bob Barr’s announcement was impressive. I sat in the front row, and enjoyed the back and forth between Barr and reporters. The guy has a quick wit. Several funny lines playing off reporter questions. There were at least 10 video camera’s in the packed rooom.

    Ross Perot’s campaign manager stood at beside Congressman Barr’s wife during the nearly hour long press conference. On Barr’s other side were his son, and Doug Bandow, a libertarian who strongly encouraged Barr to run.

    Ross Perot has already stated he will not support the Oil Party nominee. Obviously with Russ Verney managing Barr’s campaign, Barr could have a sympathic friend in Perot. Perot’s support, dynamic could be spectacular for the growth of the Libertarian Party, and shot in the arm for Greens, and Constitution as well.

    Could there be a Barr/Perot ticket?
    A Gravel/Paul ticket?

    At least until the Libertarian and Green conventions are over, all things are possible.

    After all, who would have thought Alan Keyes would lose the Constitution Party nomination?

    Barr was asked if he would, as Ron Paul has said, immediately stop the wanton waste of $1 Trillion tax dollars on overseas military misadventure?

    Barr’s answer did not go quite (at least as I understood it) as far as Ron Paul. Barr did commit to begin withdrawing from Iraq. Barr also said he would review costly U.S. military presence in many other foreign contries.

    Former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel came up in post press conference reporters questions and conversation as a major rival for the libertarian nomination, as did Wayne Allen Root. Senator Gravel was acknowledged (off the record) by some Barr campaign leaders as an excellent running mate. Gravel’s record, name recognition, and good humor were mentioned as major assets. As one Barr aide noted Gravel would also provide geographical and libertarian balance to the ticket.

    Dana Milbank of the Washington Post sat in the back row. Nice fella. Just turned the big 40. And from the campaign trail said during break, he’s having lower back problems.

    Finally major media has covered a third party candidate. This is a positive for Greens Libertarians, and America.

  4. This is from the LA Times report of Barr’s announcement:

    Jennifer Duffy of Cook Political Report said Barr’s effectiveness could turn on his ability to gather enough voter petitions to get on the ballot in key swing states. “I think he is only a threat if he gets on the ballot in a decent number of battleground states,” she said.

    Someone needs to take up a collection to buy these Cook Report people a subscription to Richard’s newsletter. I mean really, how ignorant to you have to be to become an expert?

  5. I wonder what media attention the LP convention will receive especially when it nominates someone other than Bob Barr? I have a sense his nomination is just about as certain as Alan Keyes’ on the CP ticket.

  6. Obama Chris, head over to and see for yourself in regards to Barr.

    To say it’s contentious would be an understatement.

    BTW, Ventura is back in-country on Thursday. What’s he gonna do? Hard to say.

  7. Bill, Cooked Report has been clueless on third parties (and Ron Paul) for a long time now. They are not to be considered a reliable source.

  8. The whole bourgeois establishment news media is clueless, actuallly.

    Remember that Bob Dylan lyric: “There’s something happening here and you don’t know what it is, do you Mr. Jones?”?

    That’s great that Jesse Ventura will be back in-country. He does not want the Revolution to start without him, remember?

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