Democratic National Committee Arranges for Robocalls to Ten Pennsylvania Republican Senators, to Stop Electoral College Bill

According to this Politico story, the Democratic National Committee has arranged for robo-calls to constituents of ten Republican State Senators in Pennsylvania, asking these constituents to ask their Senator to oppose SB 538. That is the bill to provide that the popular vote for president in Pennsylvania should be used to proportionally allocate the presidential electors. In other words, candidates that got 40% of the popular vote would get 40% of Pennsylvania’s electoral votes.

Pennsylvania is probably the only state that has a realistic chance of passing a bill this year to provide that a state’s electors should be split among more than a single presidential candidate. Although Michigan House Majority Whip Pete Lund says he is interested in introducing a bill to provide that each U.S. House district should choose its own presidential elector, and although Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson says she supports that idea, the bill has not been introduced and probably won’t be for months, if at all.


Democratic National Committee Arranges for Robocalls to Ten Pennsylvania Republican Senators, to Stop Electoral College Bill — No Comments

  1. In Michigan, some opponents of the idea of Rep. Lund and SoS Johnson have already introduced a proposed state constitutional amendment to stop any proportional allocation. It is SJR P.

    However, the proposed language could be written better. One, it could explicitly mention that electors would be chosen statewide (I think it implicitly says that). Two, it apparently doesn’t contemplate and independent candidate ever winning statewide.

  2. News to me that I have any sons on the internet !!! ???

    Lots of States have de facto blank election law bills ready to go when the robot party hacks want to play more evil games with election law stuff at the last second.

    The Mich morons can not just repeat the current E.C. law language into a proposed const. amdt. ???

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