Larry Sabato Says a Court ought to Settle Definition of “Natural-Born Citizen”

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is being mentioned as a possible Republican nominee for President in 2016 or some later year. According to this story, Political Scientist Larry Sabato says there ought to be a court ruling on the meaning of the presidential qualification “natural-born citizen.” Senator Cruz was born in Canada. At the time of his birth, his father was a Cuban citizen and his mother was a U.S. citizen. Cruz’ father did not become a U.S. citizen until Ted Cruz himself was an adult.

One possibility not discussed in the article is that the U.S. could just repeal the qualification and trust the voters to elect any U.S. Citizen who had attained the existing age and duration of residency requirements already in the Constitution. One wonders what good the “natural-born” qualification does, since its meaning is so obscure. Thanks to Bill Van Allen for the link.


Larry Sabato Says a Court ought to Settle Definition of “Natural-Born Citizen” — No Comments

  1. NBC = AT BIRTH ALLEGIANCE to a regime.
    Kids via father are NBC.

    Naturalization = AFTER BIRTH change in ALLEGIANCE to a regime.
    Kids after naturalized father are NBC.

    Temporary language in Art. II for 4 July 1776 USA folks, their kids and folks naturalizaed by the States in 1776-1789.

    Hmmm. What day did the last 4 July 1776 USA citizen pass away ??? RIP.

    1787 – MAJOR fears about having a foreign person becoming USA Prez / CIC — to command USA military forces.

    See all the dynasty WARS in Europe — i.e. in England which killer/faction would take over the monarchy for centuries.

    See the War of the Roses in England in the 1400s — which helped to kill off the top nobility oligarchs / gangsters — to later allow the House of Commons to get power in the 1600s — i.e. to END the Dark Age.

    ALL well known stuff in the late 1700s.

  2. #1, your comment isn’t clear to me. Do you think Ted Cruz is a natural born citizen? His father didn’t become a US citizen until Cruz was 35 years of age.

  3. Demo Rep,

    Thanks for the lucid comments, but why do you constantly make it so difficult to understand what you are trying to get across with your acronym usage?

    What does the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), the United Spinal Association (USA) and Clean Intermittent Catheterization (CIC) have to do with this topic?

    Help me hel

  4. 3 –

    I believe NBC stands for Not Born Caesarian. And incidentally, I think we should demand that Obama produce a post partum photo of his mother’s abdomen.

    USA = “Unusually Suspicious Alien,” by the way, and CIC stands for “Clearly Isn’t Caucasion.”

    I’m sure Natural Born Citizen Party will bear me out on these.

  5. How many pre-school flippant comic folks who work in nightclubs / latenight TV shows are on this list — with or without ABC XYZ stuff ???

  6. It’s pretty simple. “Natural born” means that you were a citizen at the moment you were born, ie. not naturalized.

  7. #7, it isn’t that simple. Some people are born in the U.S. to alien parents, so the baby is a citizen at that moment. But if the baby then leaves the U.S. with his or her parents to a foreign country, and never takes steps to preserve that U.S. citizenship, it goes away.

  8. #8. Richard, not sure exactly what you mean. A child born in the United States to non-diplomatic alien parents remains a citizen of the United States even after being removed to foreign soil. The child may have dual citizenship, but is still a US citizen. Children born to foreign diplomats who hold immunity are not considered citizens under the birthright provision in the 14th Amendment.

  9. The voters don’t elect the President, or so I have been told.

    The offices of senator and representative have durational citizenship requirements (7 years for representative, 9 years for senator). Presumably the qualification for President was an attempt to be expressed in a positive way, rather than the negative.

    You could make it 20 years, but that would restrict very few persons who were naturalized and had attained the minimum age requirement of 35.

    So natural-born means all of one’s life. You then have the problem of the 14th Amendment. Had Barack Obama, Jr., lived with his father after his parents had separated, and grown up in Kenya, and then moved back, his allegiance to the United States would not be unquestionable. But legally, his citizenship status would be the same.

    So you could amend the 14th Amendment to have Congress define natural-born citizenship. And while they are at it, change apportionment to be based on eligible citizen voters.

  10. #2 Cruz is NOT a NBC – since his father was NOT a USA citizen the second Cruz was born (wherever Cruz was born).

    14th Amdt, Sec. 1 *subject to the jurisdiction thereof* = having ALLEGIANCE to the USA regime — i.e. being put into the Militia to fight domestic/foreign enemies, etc.

    Did NOT include American Indian tribe members – later naturalized by 1924 and 1940 Naturalization Acts.

    Does NOT include ANY foreign folks in the USA.

    Obvious purpose to make NON-whites (i.e. mainly ex-Negro / colored / black slaves) to become USA citizens

    — i.e. to overrule Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857).
    NO such thing as dual citizenship — what happens if a State of WAR happens between the nations involved — one half of a dual citizen shoots/captures the other half as being an alien enemy in the time of war ???

    What happens with Art. III, Sec. 2 Fed court jurisdiction stuff ???

    Backing up a bit — USA 1790 Naturalization Act
    1 Stat. 103-104, c. 3 part —
    *** And the children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, and out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens: Provided, that the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States: ***

    i.e. USA diplomat folks, business folks, tourist folks, military folks, etc. whose kids happen to be born on the High Seas or inside a foreign nation.

    i.e. the father’s nation-state flag goes to/with the kid.
    Gee – do foreign nations do the same stuff for the kids born in the USA control area having foreign nation fathers/parents ??? Duh.

    i.e. place of birth means ZERO — ALLEGIANCE counts 100 percent. Difficult ONLY for 1 world New Age MORONS.

    Waiting for SCOTUS to clean up one more giant legal mess (created in part by SCOTUS).
    Gee what was the nation-state status of Obama’s father when Obama was born in 1961 (wherever Obama was born) ??? Think QE II and the remains of the old Brit Empire ??? Duh.

  11. PR/Sotomayor citizenship life history vs nbc should soon be key to final SCOTUS conflict over OB et al POTUS eligibility — i.e. expose the fraud and force banishment of both BO and his appointees.

  12. 12 –

    Ahhh! So now it’s Latino USSC justices as well as black presidents with funny names that are suspect?

    Are there any limits to your bigotry? How about a compromise? Can 3/5 of Obama be president and 3/5 of Sotomayor rule from the bench?

  13. Take the case of John McCain. The was not a citizen of the United States at birth. He was a citizen of Panama
    at birth.

    He was born out of wedlock to an American Citizen mother
    at the Colon Hospital, Colon Island, Republic of Panama.
    His mother at the time of his birth was not employed by
    either the United States Government or the Panama Railroad Company. The punative father is purpored to
    have been a United States Naval officer.

    Therefore the Act of August 4, 1937 (50 Stat. 558) did
    not apply to John McCain. It clearly states that ligitmation is require d for a child born out of wedlock to a male U.S. citizen engaged in qualified employment.

    John McCain was never ligitimized by his punitive father. There he is still not a citizen of the United

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