John Mealer Files Paperwork to Run for Governor of Arizona in the Americans Elect Primary

John L. Mealer, of Lakeside, Arizona, has filed campaign finance documents with the Arizona Secretary of State’s office, indicating he is raising money for a campaign for Governor and that he will run in the Americans Elect Party primary. See this link. Thanks to Richard Grayson for the news.


John Mealer Files Paperwork to Run for Governor of Arizona in the Americans Elect Primary — No Comments

  1. It would be funny if he got elected Governor under the banner of a party that has gone defunct and no longer wants to be on the ballot.

  2. Actually, I own Americans Elect of Arizona Independent. Renamed aptly and if you will… Please try not to connect MEALER with those who degrade Arizona and seem to be dead set against me taking the Governorship.

    Who else actually has solid plans and the only viable series of steps needed for Arizona to climb from being ranked #49 of 50 all the way up to #1 in economies?

    What politician will sign a contract to work for minimum wage until Arizona’s economy is improved by 25% and/or the jobless rate is dropped to 2%?

    So far that only matches the man who now owns the AE Arizona ballot and Americans Elect of Arizona as a party or simply as ballot access… JL Mealer

  3. Press release: Arizona Americans Elect Party Supreme Leader and Council of Guardians Endorse J.L. Mealer of Mesa as Party’s 2014 Candidate for Governor: “He’ll Make Arizona Cool Again”

    PHOENIX, May 24 –

    In its semi-annual meeting at the Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix today, the Supreme Leader and Council of Guardians of the Arizona Americans Elect Party strongly and unanimously endorsed business leader J.L. Mealer of Mesa as the party’s 2014 candidate for governor of Arizona.

    “We are grateful that Mr. Mealer has decided to run on the Americans Elect Party banner,” said Trey Young, Supreme Leader of Arizona’s fastest-growing political party. “He’ll make Arizona cool again.”

    “Although Mr. Mealer is a conservative and holds views different from the party leadership and most of the party’s enrolled voters,” said Dr. Irina Tereshkova, treasurer of the state party, “we are a political party that is open to everyone, and people of different views are welcome to join.”

    “We urge Mr. Mealer to make a strong race for governor and lead our party to victory in 2014, when we are assured of ballot access,” said Buffy Lehman Auchincloss, the party’s first vice-chairwoman. “If he can get just five percent of the vote, the Arizona Americans Elect Party will achieve permanent ballot access without having to get petitions for 2016, when we can nominate our presidential candidate.”

    Jaden Parascandola, co-chair of the Maricopa County Americans Elect Party and speaker for the state party’s Council of Guardians, said, “We are hoping other candidates of all political persuasions join J.L. Mealer in rounding out the Arizona Americans Elect Party ballot as our standard bearers for Congress, the state legislature, the corporation commission, secretary of state, treasurer, attorney general, superintendent of public instruction, and state mine inspector.”

    “J.L. Mealer is exactly the candidate any progressive party like Americans Elect would want to run in Arizona,” said the party’s artistic director Richard Grayson. “Anyone who reads his semi-literate drivel can see he’s a not very bright teabagger nutjob and as the Americans Elect Party gubernatorial candidate he’ll split the moronic majority in stupid Arizona with conservative Republican and Libertarian candidates, thus allowing a progressive Democrat to win the election.”

    “If we’re being honest here, that’s really our party’s goal next year: we’re using Americans Elect to siphon off some Republican votes,” added Dr. Tereshkova. “It’s pretty obvious that J.L. Mealer will appeal only to those who’d otherwise vote for the GOP candidate.”

    Trey Young emphasized that Mr. Mealer will run a campaign independent of the party apparatus: “For now, we are just happy that the Arizona Americans Elect Party has found our candidate for governor in 2014.”

  4. Grayson… That was a totally uncalled for attack.
    I am not a politician and I do know where you live, so cut the crap. Or someone might do ‘something silly’ like toilet paper your house.

    My run for Arizona Governor will be a win. There will be in split vote, except for both mentally competent Democrats and pro-American Republicans who will split their vote for me and drop the past dead-end 101 years of Arizona politics.

    It’s time we win for once and that even includes people like you with the IQ of a walnut.

    There is no way anyone else can fix this state, so quit your game of imaginary characters by including me in the political satire book you’re writing. This is not a game and your crappy attitude towards this GREAT STATE disgusts me…

    This campaign is about the economic survival of Arizona and not about your emotional outlet or kinky sexual preferences. Neither of those matter and if you want them to mean something in a free state rather than a federal enclave, you should STOP making dumb comments from fictitious people.

    Not everyone will research you as well as I have, they might take your comments as face value.

    There is NOTHING more important than me becoming Arizona’s next Governor… And I am not a TEA Party follower although I have and I am certain you have been “Taxed Enough Already”.

    Call me if you want to discuss this. In fact, anyone may call me to discuss this unless you’re selling auto repair insurance or something of the sort. My number is listed in Lakeside, Arizona.

  5. Hello Mr. Winger,
    We have spoken before and although this email is unrelated to our last 2012 conversations, I would like to bring something to your attention.

    Provides news that I have indeed entered the Arizona Gubernatorial race. This has been done on my own and through Americans Elect of Arizona and has ZERO to do with Richard Grayson and his kinky crowd of sexual deviants.

    Further, Although I have been “Taxed Enough Already”, I am not a TEA PARTY member, but they will back me just as the Democrats and Republicans will both back my run for office.

    I am the only candidate coming into office with well over (provable) $100 Billion worth of new Arizona Industry. These make up for high paying jobs and careers… Not the part time barely making it wages we see today.

    I have the solution for Arizona’s part in maintaining coverage under the new Health Insurance Laws and the special interest insurance companies take the hit… Not the rest of us.

    There is no way any other candidate can win this race except by taking me out of the picture. Both you and I know that Grayson is nothing more than an author writing a book about ruining campaigns. He hates Arizona and his sole goal is to do whatever he can to destroy this Great State.

    What are the chances you post a write up about this situation. I know that you have offered advice to Cody and Kelly who are working on the SOS issues, but I have the ‘problems’ under control. What is out of control is Grayson and his ultra-liberal mind-set and self professing desire to ruin this campaign and put one of his own anti-Arizona creeps in the Governor’s chair.

    I am not suggesting censorship, because that is against my Libertarian leaning, but your clarification that I am in no way connected to Grayson’s imaginary Arizona Americans Elect Party is important.

    There is but one ballot access for the group that stands legit and that is Americans Elect of Arizona.

    Mealer 2014 as Arizona Governor because another 4 years of dead end politics will destroy our Great State. Just take a look at the past 101 years.

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