National Democratic Rules Committee Meets to Reconsider Votes for Florida and Michigan

On May 31 and June 1, the Rules and Bylaws Committee of the Democratic National Committee will meet in Washington, DC, to reconsider whether to give Florida and Michigan any convention delegates. The Rules & Bylaws Committee has 28 members, 13 of whom have already committed themselves to support Hillary Clinton, and 8 of whom have already committed to Barack Obama. Whatever the Rules & Bylaws Committee decides can be appealed to the National Committee, so the meeting may be somewhat inconclusive.


National Democratic Rules Committee Meets to Reconsider Votes for Florida and Michigan — No Comments



    Large numbers of BUSH_McCain Republicans have been voting for Barack Obama in the DEMOCRATIC primaries, and caucuses from early on with the backing and help of the medical and insurance industry. Under the direction of the George Bush, and Karl Rove vote fraud, and vote manipulation machine. Because they feel Barack Obama would be a weaker opponent against John McCain. And they want to stop Hillary Clinton from fixing the HUGE! American, and Global mess they have created. shocking!!! isn’t it. Just gotta love those good old draft dodging, silver spoon Texas boys. Not! 🙁

    You see, the medical and insurance industry mostly support the republicans with the money they ripped off from you. And they don’t want you to have quality, affordable universal health care. They want to be able to continue to rip you off, and kill you and your children by continuing to deny you life saving medical care that you have already paid for. So they can continue to make more immoral profits for them-selves off of you, and your children’s suffering.

    With Hillary Clinton you are almost 100% certain to get quality affordable universal health care for everyone very soon. And you are also certain to see major improvements in the economy for everyone.

    The American people face even worse catastrophes ahead than the ones you are living through now. It will take all of the skills, and experience of Hillary Clinton to pull the American people out of this mess we are in. Fortunately fixing up, and cleaning up others incompetence, immoral degeneracy, and mess is what the Clinton’s do very well.

    Hillary Clinton has actually won by much larger margins than the vote totals showed. And lost by much smaller vote margins than the vote totals showed. Her delegate count is actually much higher than it shows. And higher than Obama’s. She also leads in the electoral college numbers that you must win to become President in the November national election. HILLARY CLINTON IS ALREADY THE TRUE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE!

    Just look at Oregon for example. Obama won Oregon by about 70,000 votes. But approximately 79,000 Bush republicans switched party’s back in January to vote for Obama in the democratic primary. They are not going to vote for, or support any Democrat in November. Are you DEMOCRATS going to put up with that. Are you that stupid, and weak. The Bush republicans think you are that stupid, and weak.

    As much as 30% of Obama’s primary, and caucus votes are Republicans trying to choose the weakest democratic candidate for McCain to run against. These Republicans have been gaming the caucuses, and open primaries where it is easier to vote cheat. This is why Obama has not been able to win the BIG! states primaries. Even with Republican vote cheating help. Except North Carolina where 35% of the population is African American, and approximately 90% of them block voted for him. African Americans are only approximately 17% of the general population.

    Hillary Clinton has been OUT MANNED! and OUT SPENT! 4 and 5 to 1. Yet Obama has only been able to manage a very tenuous, and questionable tie with Hillary Clinton. This is even more phenomenal when you consider she has been also fighting against the George Bush, Karl Rove vote fraud machine in the DEMOCRATIC primaries, and caucuses. Hillary Clinton is STUNNING!.

    If Obama is the democratic nominee for the national election in November he will be slaughtered. That is crystal clear now. Because all of the Republican vote cheating help will suddenly evaporate. And the demographics, and experience are completely against him. All of this vote fraud and Bush republican manipulation has made Obama falsely look like a much stronger candidate than he really is.

    You will have another McGovern catastrophe where George McGovern lost 49 of 50 states. And was the reason the super-delegates were created to keep that from happening again. Don’t let that happen to the party and America again super-delegates. You have the power to prevent it. The only important question now is who can best win in November. And the answer is HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON. That fact is also now crystal clear.

    And YOUNG PEOPLE. DON’T BE DUPED! Think about it. You have the most to lose. As do African Americans. Support Hillary Clinton. She will do her best for all of you. And she will know how to best get it done on day one.

    The democratic party needs to fix this outrage. Everyone needs to throw all your support to Hillary Clinton NOW! So you can end this outrage against YOU the voter, and against democracy.

    The democratic party, and the super-delegates have a decision to make. Are the democrats, and the democratic party going to choose the DEMOCRATIC party nominee to fight for the American people. Or are the republicans going to choose the DEMOCRATIC party nominee through vote fraud, and gaming the DEMOCRATIC party primaries, and caucuses.

    Fortunately the Clinton’s have been able to hold on against this fraudulent outrage with those repeated dramatic, and heroic comebacks of Hillary Clinton’s. Only the Clinton’s are that resourceful, and strong. Hillary Clinton is your NOMINEE. They are the best I have ever seen. Probably the best there has ever been. 🙂

    “This is not a game” (Hillary Clinton)


    jacksmith… Working Class 🙂

    p.s. Cynthia Ruccia – I’m with ya baby. All the way. “Clinton Supporters Count Too.”

  2. The Donkey party hacks made their EVIL rotted nomination system.

    Are they now enjoying the rot ???

    Democracy NOW.

    Uniform definition of Elector.

    Abolish all caucuses, primaries and conventions.

    Nonpartisan nomination and election of executive / judicial officers using Approval Voting.

    Way too difficult for party hacks.

    Gen. Hugh Shelton, including 34 other Generals and Admirals, …..“You know in the history of our great nation, there has been only one former President who received an endorsement of a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs prior to being elected. And in this case, not only one, but two former Chiefs along with a former Vice Chairman have expressed their support for Senator Clinton. And so I’m proud to be one of those two [in endorsing Sen. Hillary Clinton for president].”…..Today, in General Shelton’s hometown paper, The Daily Southerner, Gen. Shelton endorses Hillary: “An opinion piece deserves a frank opinion,” and that, “Unlike any other candidate, she knows that maintaining a highly-trained military and alert military goes beyond throwing dollars at the Pentagon or giving upbeat speeches.“….Sen. Clinton has gotten to know our military during her time as first lady and as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee…..Unlike any other candidate, she knows that maintaining a highly-trained military and alert military goes beyond throwing dollars at the Pentagon or giving upbeat speeches. She understands the impact of endless commitments on the service families who also serve our country.She has already worked hard to build the morale, training and ultimately the capabilities of our armed forces, and she uniquely understands the importance of remembering those on our forgotten front line in Afghanistan.We need a president like Sen. Clinton, who understands that a successful foreign policy combines equal parts of economic strength, military readiness and diplomatic persuasion. … (Read all of Gen. Shelton’s endorsement .)In the long history of our nation, there has been only one former Green Beret to become the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs — General Hugh Shelton. He stands beside Hillary and 34 of his fellow Generals and Admirals in enthusiastically endorsing Hillary Clinton for President and next Commander-in-Chief.

  4. Do not forget Wes Clark was Valedictorian of his class at West Point,
    McCain was 3rd from bottom.

    General Wes Clark Supports Hillary Clinton, do not forget our military, our General are the best of the best.

    Hillary is the #1 smartest and best to get us out of Iraq

    No delegates from not commited voters in Michigan, they didn’t know who they wanted or they had not decided or they voterd for other people not on the ballot but we cannot assume we know what was on their minds. How inexact do you want to be. It would be thought of as unfair if you give those delegates to one person.

  5. I’m with you. Just as whenever Bush took over the airwaves (Republican connections as evidenced by his father’s choice of Dan Quail), I could not stand to watch him and would turn him off. Now, I find myself turning off everyone on CNN except Lou Dobbs and maybe Larry King. Wolf’s, and Anderson’s, etc. sarcastic remarks bashing Hillary and hiding Obama’s faults give me the same disgusting reaction. I can do without CNN, except for Lou and I wonder how many sponsers he carries.

    I will not vote for Obama. Just as relayed above that the phoney Republican voters will not be there in the fall, I wonder how many Democrats will be switching, making their votes count twice. One that Obama didn’t get and the one that got him.

    The Republican party was dismayed by the Clintons when Bill was in office. That’s why they worked so hard to get him out. Obama sounds like one of them, especially with his Chicago history.

    There’s a lot more that could be said about how qualified Hillary is and what a mistake the Democratic party will be making if they subcumb to Obama. For now, I’m praying and getting firmer in my resolve.

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