Newspaper Story Covers Issue of Senator Ted Cruz’ Canadian Birthplace, Relative to Presidential Qualifications in U.S. Constitution

This story notes that U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas was born in Canada, and analyzes what various commentators have said about his qualifications to be President.  The story erroneously says that U.S. Senator John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone.  Actually he was born in Colon, Panama, which was virtually surrounded by the Canal Zone, but was not part of it.  Thanks to Sam Harley for the link.


Newspaper Story Covers Issue of Senator Ted Cruz’ Canadian Birthplace, Relative to Presidential Qualifications in U.S. Constitution — No Comments

  1. Place of birth means ZERO.

    ALLEGIANCE at birth to what nation-state is what counts.

    ALL sorts of legal and illegal FOREIGN folks in a nation at any given time — even some very highly pregnant.

    Some by accident – lost on border, shipwrecked.

    Some of ILLEGAL folks – aka invaders, armed and unarmed.
    I.E. If the richest/poorest private USA citizen highly pregnant woman (via a USA citizen father) happens to have a kid born on the High Seas or inside a foreign nation by an inch or a thousand miles, is such kid a USA citizen ???

    — and vice versa for any foreign woman with a foreign father – having a kid born on the High Seas or inside the USA.

    The nation-state ALLEGIANCE stuff dates from THOUSANDS of years – tribal, feudal stuff.

    NO such thing as dual citizenship — due to possible WAR between the nation-states involved.

    Each half of a body to capture the other half in a time of war and put it in a POW camp ??? Duh.

  2. Place of birth means EVERYTHING. If you disagree with that then amend the US constitution.

    ALLEGIANCE at birth to a nation-state is impossible. Its a baby!

    Any legal or illegal FOREIGN highly pregnant folks in the US who deliver while in the US will be blessed with a little US citizen. Even if those foreign folks were here because they were lost on the border or shipwrecked.

    During a WAR anyone with dual citizenship will pick a side or choose to stay out of the fight. Duh.

  3. I am sorry Jim Riley. My reply was meant for Demo Rep not regarding your comment.

  4. See *Allegiance* in the last paragraph of the 4 July 1776 DOI.

    Who will dig up the various ALLEGIANCE oath laws in the 13 original States (plus VT) in 1775-1789 ???

    ALL sorts of loyalty tests and purges of Brit regime supporters (i.e. treason trials, acts of attainer, ex post facto laws, forced expulsions, property seizures, etc.) — i.e. A WAR against the Enemy Brit regime and its ENEMY supporters (aka loyalists) inside the States in 1775-1783.

    Kids got the Allegiance of the fathers until the kid got to *full age* ie 21.

    Various State naturalization laws in 1775-1789 – oaths requiring ALLEGIANCE to the new States.

    See the American Revolutionary WAR wiki on the internet.
    One HELL of a WAR – possibly a higher casualty rate of American young men even worse than in the horrific 1861-1865 Civil War (aka rebellion).

    How many of the 1775-1783 Americans fought the Brits again in the War of 1812 ???
    Such War was due in part to the Brits capturing American sailors and claiming they were still Brit subjects having allegiance to the Brit monarchy – i.e. the EVIL King George III was still around – 1760 to 1820.

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