AP Presidential Poll Shows Nader Does Not Injure Obama

This poll, published by the Associated Press on June 6, shows that Obama’s margin over McCain is 3 percentage points, whether Ralph Nader is included or whether he is not included. Thanks to ThirdPartyWatch for this news.

Bob Barr was included in this poll and got 2%. Thanks to the poster who pointed this out.


AP Presidential Poll Shows Nader Does Not Injure Obama — No Comments

  1. These polls are inherently faulty also because they play to the myth these United States have “a two-party system,” as if the situation were mandated by law.
    It plays to the ignorant feeling that the voters have only two choices.
    Of course such misinformation becomes self-fulfilling: As long as the voters are so mis-led, they will continue to act as if their only choices are among two evils.
    In truth, there are three or four or even 14 evils, with occasionally a non-evil also being on the ballot.

  2. Let the AP know how wrong it was of them not to include Bob Barr

    Email: info@ap.org

    Nader doesn’t hurt Obama by the way, this poll was taken as a result of Hillary losing to Obama and what you are saeeing is Jillary’s supporters TEMPORARILY throwing hteir protest vote to Nader. NADER cannot hurt Obama. Obama is as left as they come . Obama has picked up every social issue Nader stands for except the anti-israel stand.

  3. “Obama has picked up every social issue Nader stands for except the anti-israel stand.”

    Huh? “Obama is as left as they come?” Compared to whom, Dick Cheney?

    First of all, Nader is not “anti-Israel.” What an oversimplification. He is opposed to the Israeli military’s illegal occupation of Gaza, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights, as many millions of people in the USA are, as is the Jewish-American who is writing this.

    Second, the list of “social issues Nader stands for” that Senator Obama has not “picked up” is long indeed. You could start with single-payer health care, gay marriage rights, no new nuclear power plants, ending the war on drugs, legalizing commercial hemp production, and go from there.

  4. Nader at 6%? I guess it only reinforces Churchill’s quip that the best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. Oh well, the more big government lads there are to split those votes, the better.

  5. I keep getting censored here I guess Richard doesn’t believe in Free Speech. PEOPLE: more government and higher taxes is not the answer !
    Please visit http://www.bobbarr2008.com and see what the issues are on the campaign table really are for the candidates

  6. I did delete an earlier post because it had a personal attack on another poster, but otherwise I don’t censor.

  7. There is also the difference of opinion between Ralph Nader and Barack Obama on Afghanistan. Still, they do have some things in common and I believe that they are both very great gentleman.

    It seems to me that most of the bourgeois consevatives (members of the Constitution, Libertarian, and Republican Parties, etc) on this website (and Third Party Watch) usually resort to name calling and false statements because they can not seem to win the debates on the merits of the propositions being put forward.

  8. Obama also wants to increase the size of the military – Nader and McKinnney want to dramatically reduce it.

    I have not heard Obama take any sort of stand on Corporate welfare.

    I have not heard Obama make any sort of statement about making every vote count, and eliminating restrictive ballot access laws in this country.

    Obama is to the right of George Bush and Cheney (and MCCain) on Israel Policy – he wants an ‘undivided’ Jerusalem, meaning no return of the half of Jerusalem that Israel has occupied for 40 years – a strong plurality in Israel don’t even that is realistic.

    Obama has made no stand on Emminent Domain.

    I could go on and on.

  9. Let’s get something straight.
    Jerusalem belongs to the Israel. Thank goodness the Democrats and Republicans know this. Third Parties tend to say the contrary because well they have to say something different and because they attract the anarchists, racist, and neo nazis.
    Look at every map from beginning of time. Have you read the bible?
    If you think Israel will give up half of Jerusalem you are dreaming. I would personally join the Israeli Army to defend it with my life. Like Rambo said “Better to die for something then live for nothing”. (Sorry I just saw Rambo last night).

  10. Obama has spoken in very idealistic, lofty terms, but I have yet to see him really confront two important issues that plague America: corporate control of politics and encouraging people to take part in our democratic system by participating in civic affairs and holding our politicians accountable. I guess Obama doesn’t really want to draw attention to the fact that he didn’t bother voting on the tax rebate of 2008.

    Also, I saw in the NY Times or CNN today that Obama has now taken to wearing an American flag pin on his label. What happened to his principled reason for not wearing one?

  11. what happened is that Obama is a phoney . He is no different than any other politician to be fair. They will all do what they have to to get elected

  12. To paraphrase the first poster here

    These polls are inherently faulty also because Nader won’t be on the ballot in every state (and will likely have much less access than in 2004, and maybe even less than in 1996)

  13. Ralph Nader’s 2008 ballot access will probably be significantly better than it was in 2004. Already he has qualified in two states (Arizona and Hawaii) in which he wasn’t on in 2004. In 2004, he had not completed any petitions drive until late June. He is doing better this year. Also it seems petitioners find it easier to get signatures for him this year, than in 2004.

  14. The Reform Party and Florida is the thing that will be an interesting variable. If I recall correctly, I think the Reform Party needs to get on the ballot in some state other than Florida to get on the ballot in Florida. But it would take some coordination to get a Reform slate for Nader in a place like Louisiana (as opposed to Nader’s forces just making their own ticket). So Florida is going to impact the overall percentage of people getting ballots with Nader on them.

    Unless Nader finds an FL party with a national convention to nominate him, then he might find that whole thing to be pretty difficult.

    Although Nader will obviously top 2004 if he gets the P&F nod (although that whole process is a bit cloudy due to people being denied P&F balots in some counties). La Riva is my prediction for P&F though.

  15. Isn’t Nader already on the ballot in New Mexico and Hawaii as the “Independent” (Party) and couldn’t that help him get on the ballot in Florida easier as well?

  16. There’s an “Independent Party of Florida” for those voters who don’t notice the NPA checkbox. I don’t know who in the world is technically running that party.

    Not to mention the national convention issue is basically “lawsuit bait”

  17. Nader is not going to be the Reform Party nominee in any state in 2008. He has another party in mind for ballot access in Florida.

  18. I will be heading to the Reform Party National Convention in July in Dallas, Texas. I will find it very interesting to see what the party and fellow members do with the ballot lines, and also the states that could possibly be able to petition and get on the ballot.

    Richard, any ideas?

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