National Republican Party Officials May Have Influenced Arizona Legislators to Pass Ballot Access Restriction

The Arizona Republic, daily newspaper for Phoenix, has this article about the recently-signed bill that blocks minor party candidates from the ballot. The article suggests that national Republican Party officials even intervened to help the bill pass.


National Republican Party Officials May Have Influenced Arizona Legislators to Pass Ballot Access Restriction — No Comments

  1. This situation is classic ballot access tyranny. National level major partisans have and use their unrivaled expertise to shore-up two party domination. State level pols are, by and large, only too compliant. The real thing at work here is what is offered as fair. When what is advanced as fair is really only what is disadvantages minor or alternative parties more than what the current format does already, and that’s accepted at face value as an adjustment for fairness sake, ballot access battles won elsewhere are illusory as they are disposable.

    What needs to be understood and who understands is the beginning, middle and eventual triumph of a movement of accountability of what is claimed fair.

  2. Arizona should switch to an open blanket primary.

    Each party could dictate which voters may vote for their nominations. Signature requirements would be based on those eligible to vote for a particular party’s nomination.

    All candidates, including independent candidates would appear on each primary ballot, but partisan voters would have their party indicated on the ballot, and independent voters may indicate a party choice.

    Any candidate who receives 5% of the vote would qualify for the general election ballot. In addition, any party with 5% support would be considered quorate, and have its leading vote-getter appear on the general election ballot.

    The general election would require a majority to elect, with a runoff if necessary.

  3. P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

    Does SCOTUS dream up the *words* in the ReCAPTCHA form ???

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