Ron Paul Comments on John McCain and Bob Barr

See for a video of Ron Paul’s interview on CNN on June 12. Paul, in response to questions, has harsh things to say about John McCain and friendly things to say about Bob Barr.


Ron Paul Comments on John McCain and Bob Barr — No Comments

  1. Ron Paul supporters are putting together a Ron Paul style Money Bomb for Bob Barr. There have been other efforts for something like this for Barr, but this one is the real deal.

    On July 2, 1776 the Continental Congress adopted a resolution establishing the independence of the United States. Help us celebrate that legacy with a donation to the independent and liberty-minded presidential candidate, Bob Barr. Send a message to the status-quo that Liberty will not be ignored, Freedom cannot be defeated and the American people WILL have a choice on Nov. 5th.

    Check out the spiffy web site here:

  2. Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich were both unfairly excluded from debates during the primary season. Now, Ron Paul’s new organization should put together a debate between Bob Barr and Ralph Nader, both of whom are trying to earn the support of Ron Paul’s supporters.

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