Louisiana Moves Presidential Deadline from Early September to Late August

On June 18, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal signed HB 341. It is an omnibus election law bill. Among other things, it moves the deadline for an independent presidential candidate to file his or her slate of presidential electors from early September, to the first Friday after the third Tuesday of August. Here is a link to the text of the new law. See section 1253.

Surprisingly, the bill also establishes the same deadline for qualified parties. This bill seems to force the Democratic and Republican Parties to hold their national conventions no later than the third week in August. In 2004 and 2008, the Republican Party didn’t nominate its presidential and vice-presidential candidates until early September. In 2012, the Republicans didn’t nominate until August 29, and the Democrats didn’t nominate until September 5.


Louisiana Moves Presidential Deadline from Early September to Late August — No Comments

  1. How about having Prez primaries etc. starting the week/month after each Prez election day ??

    i.e. continuous party hack stuff for 4 long years to keep everybody distracted ???

    End the ROT.
    One Election Day per year.
    Uniform definition of Elector.
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

    How about ONE year terms for the various statist MONSTERS with their statist control freak schemes from Hell ???

  2. But will the SOS have leeway to allow for the late filings of the two major parties.

  3. The law makes no provision for leeway. And for decades, courts have interpreted candidate filing deadlines very strictly. The courts do this because if they make exceptions for candidates who are 3 minutes late, then they have the slippery slope problem.

  4. Worried about those hurricanes? Like in 2008 when the SoS mysteriously accepted the Democratic and Republican papers while the office was officially closed during Hurricane Ike and then told the minor parties they had until noon on the day the office re-opened to file?

  5. He’s not mixing anything up. In fact, Mr. Brown was the attorney who handled the case on behalf of those minor parties.

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