Detroit Election Officials Ask State Canvassing Board to Help with Counting Mayoral Votes

Detroit’s non-partisan election for Mayor on August 6 featured a strong write-in candidate, Mike Duggan. The election night tally showed that he received more votes than any ballot-listed candidate. But when it came time for the official canvass to be prepared, almost half of his votes were not included, because of the way precinct polling place officials tallied write-ins. This Detroit Free Press column explains the problem. The city has asked the State Canvassing Board to help determine the correct totals.

In any event, whether Mike Duggan placed first or second, he and the other candidate who received the most votes will be on the November ballot for a run-off, since no one got as much as 50% on August 7. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


Detroit Election Officials Ask State Canvassing Board to Help with Counting Mayoral Votes — No Comments

  1. Hash marks stuff was used for hundreds of years in counting votes on paper ballots.

    One more reason to abolish primaries.
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

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