U.S. Supreme Court Won’t Shut Down October 1-October 4

The U.S. Supreme Court’s web page says the court will continue to function on October 1 through October 4, even if the federal government shuts down. See the court’s web page here; scroll down to “What’s new.” Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


U.S. Supreme Court Won’t Shut Down October 1-October 4 — No Comments

  1. SCOTUS and all other USA courts should immediately shutdown on Tuesday AM to put TOTAL pressures on the gerrymander MONSTERS in the Congress and White House.

    If the courts operate without any appropriation, then part of Art. I, Sec. 9 will be subverted —

    No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; ***

    Such language was the result of a power struggle in England from 1066 to 1689 (a mere 621 years) to have LAWS control who got money from the regime treasury — and NOT have ARBITRARY LAWLESS governments.

    Thus one more subversion of the Const – as with UN-declared wars, paper money, etc. etc. ???

  2. I’m left wondering, in the light of its decisions in the past few years, whether that’s a good thing or not.

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