Esquire/NBC News Poll Finds 36% Believe “Two Party System is Broken”

On October 14, Esquire/NBC News released an extensive poll about political views. Question 27 asks whether the respondent agrees with this statement: The two party system is broken and out of date and America would be better off if there were more than just two political parties. 36% responded “Yes.” The results don’t show how many responded “No” and how many responded “undecided.” Here are the results. The questions aren’t in numerical order, but question 27 is near the top of page nineteen.

The survey broke down all respondents into nine categories. By category, the percentage answering “yes” to question 27 is: Center 33%, Young Liberals 47%, Gospel Left 32%, Minivan Mods 32%, MBA Middle 40%, Pickup Populists 58%, Whatever Man 5%, Righteous Right 38%, Talk Radio Heads 43%. Thanks to Eric Reinhardt for the link.


Esquire/NBC News Poll Finds 36% Believe “Two Party System is Broken” — No Comments

  1. Due to the EVIL rotted publik skoools, what percentage of the voters know what an ANTI-Democracy gerrymander system is ???

    i.e. The 3 USA gerrymander systems and the various state / local gerrymander systems.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  2. I’m just as clueless about most of those categories as you are. I consider myself a left-leaning libertarian; basically I believe in some policies such as social programs and environmentalism, but I don’t believe in authoritarian government or in an overly aggressive foreign policy. Therefore I believe in a mix of both left-wing and libertarian policies and ideas. Easily explained.
    But seriously…what in the h@ll are “minivan mods” and “MBA middles”??? I read part of the survey, but got confused after a few pages…

  3. I just took this survey. I’m a “bleeding heart” (aka, very left-wing) according to esquire. I do not believe that is very accurate, considering that some of the questions were very restricted in nature. I still prefer the Political Compass’ survey, it’s more comprehensive.

  4. I guess I’m left-leaning in that I would never vote for anyone who was anti-gay, but I’m certainly no left-winger on economic issues.

  5. Political Compass is decent but still isn’t ideal because with some questions it assumes your personal philosophy will be borne out in your political philosophy. Sure, it can be, but what if you don’t want to impose any of your moral values on others?

  6. I agree. It had me way further to the left on economics than I actually am. Just because I don’t believe that “what’s best for large corporations is best for us all” or whatever, doesn’t mean I want to tax them into oblivion.

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