On July 7, the Arizona Republic (daily newspaper of Phoenix) published this interesting story about modern-day challenges to organzations that conduct polls. The article discusses the fact that 15% of Americans no longer have land lines and depend entirely on cell phones. Then, the article discusses the extra problems presented by cell phones. Thanks to ElectionUpdates for the link.
Sooo — back to on the street / house to house poll samples ???
What percentage of voters are now LYING to pollsters to have fun and games results ???
This “research” is at least four years old, or at least the problem was being discussed four years ago.
It was also pointed out during the early stages of the Republican primary, when the poll results showed almost nil for Ron Paul.
His supporters said then that the younger, more techno-oriented people who would be Paul supporters are less likely to have a land-line phone and, thus, be less reachable by pollsters.
And I think that voters and pretend-voters have been lying to pollsters for years also.
One states a different position from what one really believes in order to be more PC and to fit in with neighbors or pollsters.
The story behind the story: the family that owns the Phoenix Arizona Republic? That long time ‘fan’ of the media Daniel J. ‘I Love Murphy Brown’ Quayle!
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