Purple PAC to Make Independent Expenditures of at Least $300,000 for Rob Sarvis

See this Uncovered Politics post, which links to news stories that the Purple PAC will make independent expenditures of at least $300,000 to promote Rob Sarvis, the Libertarian nominee for Virginia Governor. The money, or most of it, will be used for television advertising.

Meanwhile, the October 25 New York Times has this lengthy story about the Virginia race, and manages to avoid any mention of Sarvis whatsoever.


Purple PAC to Make Independent Expenditures of at Least $300,000 for Rob Sarvis — No Comments

  1. Hmmm. Divide and CONQUER — via the royal purple — a scam front group of the Donkeys ???

    Will the Elephants go totally purge NUTS IF the Donkey is elected Guv due to the LP votes ??? Duh.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  2. Demo Rep,
    A) Ed Crane runs Purple PAC, and if you knew anything about him, you’d know that he generally despises the major parties. He had CATO’s building face away from the Capitol “so Congress can kiss my ass.” [I think those were his exact words]
    B) Polls have consistently shown the last month that Sarvis is barely helping McAuliffe, if at all. The Politico poll that had him at 12% actually showed McAuliffe doing WORSE with Sarvis in the race (by 1%). The net difference in Sarvis’ draw is probably no more than 2%. McAuliffe is leading by a good deal regardless, and if funding Sarvis is a way to divide and conquer, it sure is a wasteful way to do it.

  3. Sarvis is for marijuana legalization, gay marriage, and dodges on abortion. Those characteristics alone mean that his pull won’t be completely from the Republican. It’s fairly even as mentioned by DSZ, but Cuccinelli’s campaign likes to blame Sarvis for their troubles.

    The Tea Party is doing the dividing and conquering (the VA primary or lack thereof was evidence of that), so there’s no need for purple to step in.

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