Atlanta Journal-Constitution Story on Green Party Convention

The Green Party national convention in Chicago is not getting much press from the large newspapers so far, although that will change on Saturday, July 12, when the party votes for president. The best coverage for July 11 seems to be in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. See it here. The focus of the story is on Rosa Clemente, the vice-presidential choice put forward by Cynthia McKinney. UPDATE: for more information on the convention, see


Atlanta Journal-Constitution Story on Green Party Convention — No Comments

  1. Great that JEFFRY SCOTT of the AJC is covering the Greens. He wrote a pre-convention story as well. Though the quote attributed to me seems to have cut short my whole intent. I inferred that the only hope of the Greens getting any national traction would occur if we get to participate in the debates. See article here:

    In general, I am proud of Cynthia McKinney and any candidates who take up the cause of electoral politics outside of the big two parties. I just wish the Greens would become more inclusive and committed to running candidates in every congressional district. Even the big two left 12% of the congressional races in 2006 unchallenged with a major party contender. That leaves an opening for all third parties to fill the void.

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