Daily Kos Tracking Poll Features 4 Candidates

Daily Kos has recently launched its own tracking poll. The poll released on September 11 shows: Obama 47%, McCain 45%, Nader 2%, Barr 2%, other and undecided 4%.


Daily Kos Tracking Poll Features 4 Candidates — No Comments

  1. DKos fears Cynthia McKinney I guess. Including her would give her too much credibility I guess. Or we could assume that “other and undecided” is split between McKinney and Baldwin…I guess.

  2. If I’m thinking of the right thing, they’re indiscriminately tracking both polls that include Barr and Nader and those that don’t, so their numbers may be high than DKos is reporting.

  3. I am not a machine [well, a tool, maybe…..]:

    Daily KOS has been such an embarassment to the
    &#%@&*$% dems. Hope fully they will be more resonable in the future.

    Just one more indication that Dems and GOP may not be twins, but thaze sure is Kissin’ Cousins…….

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