Pollina Wins Progressive Party Nomination by Write-in Votes, but Declines That Nomination

Anthony Pollina won enough write-ins in the September 9 Vermont primary to become the Progressive Party’s gubernatorial nominee. The law requires write-in winners to receive at least 250 write-ins, and he won more than that. However, he still declined the nomination. He will be on the ballot only as an independent, even though he is a recent former state chair of the Progressive Party.

Although a poll earlier this month showed him at only 7%, since then he has won the endorsement of the AFL-CIO, the teachers union, and the state employees union.

Vermont’s Democratic member of the U.S. House, Peter Welch, won the Republican nomination by write-in votes. He received 600 write-ins in the Republican primary. No Republican appeared on the Republican primary ballot for that office. Welch will accept the Republican nomination, so he will be listed in November as “Democratic, Republican.”


Pollina Wins Progressive Party Nomination by Write-in Votes, but Declines That Nomination — No Comments

  1. Actually, Pollina won the Progressive nod. Diamondstone was on the ballot and he won the Liberty Union nod.

    Welch is being challenged by Jane Newton (Liberty Union), Thomas James Hermann (Progressive), Mike Bethel (Independent), Cris Ericson (Independent), and Jerry Trudell (Independent)

  2. Thank you very much for the comments! I was half-asleep and originally put “Liberty Union” when I meant “Progressive.” I have now fixed it.

  3. The Progressive Party will simply abstain from the gubernatorial race, but it will have candidates for the other statewide posts. Since the Progressive Party only nominated for one other statewide post in its primary (US House), it will nominate by convention to fill the rest of the ticket (other than governor).

  4. Thanks, Richard. It seems to make sense for them to do that, rather than split the “progressive” vote any further. It is unfortunate, however, that the Progressive Party does not have a standard bearer.

  5. The Progressive Party encouraged people to write-in Pollina. So it’s not like they’re in a very bad spot there.

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