New York Times Covers Free & Equal Presidential Debate

The New York Times, October 16, has a medium-sized article about the Free & Equal Presidential Debate set for October 19. The title of the article, which is at the top of page A20, is “A Third-Party Forum.” Most surprisingly, the article includes photos of each of the four invited presidential candidates. They are, of course, Ralph Nader, Bob Barr, Cynthia McKinney, and Chuck Baldwin. This is surely the first time the New York Times has ever run a picture of a Constitution Party presidential nominee.


New York Times Covers Free & Equal Presidential Debate — No Comments

  1. Holy cow, the world MUST be coming to an end!
    Strangely enough, The New York Times even had a front-page article recently questioning some of the Obama ads.
    Wouldn’t it be a gift to the world if the NYT actually started publishing news?

  2. Attn: Bob Barr

    You need to get to this debate.

    This is your chance to get some nationwide coverage right before the election.

    Please help us build the LP.

    Go to the debate.

  3. Gosh,

    All that media is coming (or were they simply invited) and no one is showing up:

    I heard George Phillies is coming – is this true? If he was not invited, how come? He is after all a candidate for president.

    I am upsate that Baldwin is not coming, did he give a reason?

    Also did they ivite Ron Paul? He too is a presidential candidate in tow states. If not why?

    Is this debate only for “approved by Nader” third party candidates or were all candidates invited including Mc Cain and Obama? If not, why?

    What is the debate format?

    There appears to be so many questions left unanswered.

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