U.S. Supreme Court Relieves North Carolina of the Need to Restore Election-Day Registration

On October 8, the U.S. Supreme Court set aside last week’s Fourth Circuit order in the case over whether the state must restore election-day registration. Here is the order. Two justices dissented. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.

The big suspense now in connection with the U.S. Supreme Court is what it will do about Wisconsin’s government-photo I.D. law.


U.S. Supreme Court Relieves North Carolina of the Need to Restore Election-Day Registration — 5 Comments

  1. I wish the federal courts were as concerned about the voting rights of another minority – 3rd parties and Independents – as they are other minorities.

    If they were, then there might be some real justice in this country.

  2. The Supreme Court has no interest in voting rights, they only care about pleasing their coporate overlords and will deny voter’s rights in the end

  3. so you concede that photo id laws are designed to discourage or prevent minorities from voting?

  4. Both the COMMUNIST Donkeys and the FASCIST Elephants are playing their EVIL games to try and get PERMANENT CONTROL of the USA regime — via gerrymanders, rigged election laws, and of course CONTROL of SCOTUS.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.
    Also – deadline for election law changes about 10 months before each general election.

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