So far, neither the Democratic nor Republican nominee for Colorado Governor has been willing to debate any of the other candidates on the ballot. However, on the evening of October 8, Free & Equal sponsored a debate which was attended by independent candidate Mike Dunafon, Green Party nominee Harry Hempy, and Libertarian nominee Matthew Hess. See this story. C-SPAN carried the debate.
This FREE & EQUAL Open Debate excluded Unaffiliated Governor Candidate
Paul Noel Fiorino as he was escorted out after showing up to see for himself
if this was going to be really a free and equal open debate. It seemed very
closed to him as he is on the General Election Ballot for the third time. commented on the incident and signs were made for the
two R & D candidates who did not show but where was Fiorino or his sign? Out on the sidewalk “Naderized” by a group who should do better.
With words of corruption, fairness and equality spoken from the three candidates on the stage the obvious was all still there for them when one
candidate was excluded and never officially invited or included upon arrival.
See all six candidates on the Arvada Chamber Debate and 9 news or DP voter guide. These three are the ones that count out of all the debates
by total inclusion, fairness and equal opportunity for all SIX candidates.
They even mention the write-in candidates. Where is Fiorino? LOOK>