Washington Post Story on Bob Healey Polling 22% for Rhode Island Governor as the Moderate Party Nominee

This Washington Post story describes Bob Healey, who got 22% of the vote for Rhode Island governor even though he only spent $35. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


Washington Post Story on Bob Healey Polling 22% for Rhode Island Governor as the Moderate Party Nominee — 3 Comments

  1. Doubtless, the fact that he appeared in a debate with the Dem. and Rep. candidates provided exposure that helped increase his vote. Is it any wonder that Dems. and Reps. don’t like independents or 3rd party candidates in debates with them? Yes, there is some fear on their part.

  2. Algebra 1 –
    $35/22 pct = $ X/100 pct
    Solve for X.

    Nonpartisan App.V. for executive/judicial offices.

  3. Is marijuana legal in Rhode Island? This may explain part of the reason this candidate received so many votes in a 3-way race. I could see getting 22% of the vote in a 2 way race which doesn’t use party levers on their ballots. But in a 3-way race, this is a miracle!

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