Outgoing 113th Congress Spent Little Time on Election Law Bills

As the 113th Congress elected in 2012 fades into history, one observes that little attention was paid to election law bills.

HR 20, the bill for public funding for candidates for the U.S. House, gathered 160 co-sponsors, but they included only one Republican. Despite this impressive number of co-sponsors, the bill got almost no publicity and never had a hearing.

HR 5334, the bill to establish top-two elections for Congress throughout the United States, got virtually no publicity and no hearing. It was sponsored by John Delaney (D-Maryland) and had only two co-sponsors, Jared Polis (D-Colorado) and Derek Kilmer (D-Washington).


Outgoing 113th Congress Spent Little Time on Election Law Bills — 5 Comments

  1. HR 5334 only applied to election for the House of Representatives, not the Senate. It was introduced on July 31, 2014, so likely was just a concept bill.

  2. Not surprised that there was only one Republican Congressman who was a co-sponsor of this bill. Republicans like to talk about how they represent the common man. We know this is a lie. They represent business and the business community, and will always represent them.

    While I had earlier predicted the GOP was not going to win the 2014 Elections and take control of Congress, I am somewhat glad it has happened – not because I am a Republican – far from it, but I know with this standoff between the GOP Congress and Obama and the Democrats, we will be able to see them all for the hypocrites they are.

    Baring an invasion from Russia or China which would then require some type of national unity, for the next two years we will hear the Democrats call the Republicans all kind of names, and the GOP will likewise do so of the Democrats. They are just like kids on the school yard play ground – each daring the other to do something, and each doing nothing but being the coward they are.

    They (both Democrats and Republican politicians) think we the common people are stupid (and we are) to the extent we sit on our butts and let them get away with their congressional games while we pay them all nice salaries and pensions to look forward to, while we hope Social Security will hold up for a few more decades.

    This kind of nonsense has been going on for many, many decades, and it not going to stop until a true populist-oriented citizens party – independent of the bankers and the makers and sharers of the world – are able to take control of our government.

    I know I won’t see any change during my short number of days left on this earth, but I hope that a generation of young people in their 20’s and 30’s will someday rise up and say enough is enough.

    Meanwhile, I still content the election for all public offices should be financed publicly and not by private means, as they (the private investors) want something for their dollar. Their patriotism is as thin as the dollar bill many of them worship – its all about money with this folks.

    Don’t know how to suggest for public financing of all the statewide offices and local offices, but for federal offices (including the Presidency) there should be $XX dollars for each congressional candidate, $XXX dollars for each Senatorial candidate, and $XXXX dollars for candidates for the Presidency.

    All candidates should be allowed in the debates, and no debate shall be held which does not include all candidates.

    Maybe someday. We can dream, if nothing else

  3. Gerrymander WARS between the communist Donkeys and fascist Elephants — esp. since the 1964 SCOTUS gerrymander cases.

    i.e. NO election law changes possible until one gang totally controls the gerrymander regime.

  4. At least we still have our secret weapon; Ballot Access News.

    Unselfishly maintained by the Greatest election law reformer ever – RW. (Note the capital G in greatest)

  5. James Ogle:

    I wholeheartedly agree with you. I don’t know what I would do each day if I didn’t have the chance to log onto Ballot Access News. May

    Richard live another 50 years at least!

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