Illinois Governor Wants Legislature to Pass Bill, Authorizing Special Election for Comptroller in 2016

As note earlier, Judy Baar Topinka, who was re-elected Illinois State Comptroller, died after the election but before her new term started. Governor Pat Quinn wants a special election to fill the second half of the term. He has called the legislature into session for January 8, 2015, to pass a bill authorizing such a special election to be held in November 2016.


Illinois Governor Wants Legislature to Pass Bill, Authorizing Special Election for Comptroller in 2016 — 5 Comments

  1. And isn’t it supposed to be the Republicans who harp on spending? They don’t mind forking over hundreds of thousands of hard-working taxpayers money for a special election, when the Governor could easily appoint someone to fill the term until the election cycle of 2016 begins. Then, no extra money needs to be spend on for a special election.

    But some politicians are interested in their own image than they are saving taxpayers money.

  2. Having a special election in 2016 would cost almost nothing for the taxpayers, because it’s just one more office on the ballot that is being printed up anyway.

  3. What you did not mention is that the regular session of the legislature convenes on Wednesday, January 14, and that Pat Quinn is a lame duck.

  4. I assumed my readers already knew Pat Quinn is a lame duck. I have blogged about this before. I don’t usually repeat everything I said in the first blog post.

  5. Pat Quinn, being the partisan Democrat he is, sees an opportunity to get the office back in Democratic hands in 2016. Illinois, most likely will be vote heavy for the Democratic nominee for President in 2016, and such will provide “coattails” for the Democratic State Comptroller nominee, since the obvious Republican-appointed State Comptroller will only have been in office for 2 years and will not have a long incumbency to run on, and a well-oiled machine to back them.

    But in fairness, I still say the appointed State Comptroller under these special circumstances, should serve only two years, then have to face the voters for the right to complete a 4 year term. Normally, I don’t pull for Republicans, but I hope they will get behind whomever the incoming governor appoints and will show Mr. Quinn who really controls the politics of Illinois.

    It’s time all of these little gods of politics be shown they put their pants on “one leg at a time.”

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