Georgia Special Legislative Elections

On January 6, Georgia held special elections to fill the vacant seats in the State House, in district 50 and district 120. Georgia special elections do not involve party nominees; instead individuals run, and are free to choose any party label, whether the party is qualified or not.

Here is a link to the returns
. The district 50 race was between three Republicans, a Libertarian, and an independent. The district 120 race was between five Republicans.


Georgia Special Legislative Elections — 4 Comments

  1. The Online Athens website says that a runoff will be held in district 120 on February 3; it didn’t say anything about district 50. Seems GA has the same crazy runoff laws we have here in NC.

  2. I think Georgia only needs a runoff when no one gets 40%. In the district 50 race, someone did get over 40%.

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