Arkansas Recount Shows Greens Didn't Win Chicot County Assessor Race

On November 14, Chicot County, Arkansas recounted the votes for Assessor, a partisan race. The Green Party candidate lost by 30 votes. The recount showed the Democrat, Barbara Esters, with 2,300 votes and the Green, Elizabeth McCoy, with 2,270 votes.


Arkansas Recount Shows Greens Didn't Win Chicot County Assessor Race — 2 Comments

  1. Recounts are often less reliable than the original count.

    In Maine, for many years, every recount conducted in the State Capitol was won by the Democrats no matter who had been in the lead prior to the recount, nor how close the election had been. Finally, two democratic party members who worked for Speaker John Martin were caught adding ballots to a box awaiting recount. It is now presumed that they did this to every recount for over a decade. They were Martin’s only two official State employees but he denied knowledge of the scheme.

    On one occasion, in another state, after a tight local race, I personally observed through the windows of the local town office (along with another witness) town officials adding ballots to the “officially sealed ballot box” late at night after the election counting and prior to the recount held the next day.

    Fraud is everywhere by the Ds and Rs.

    If we want to win, we have to win big and watch the counting.

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