Paul Jacob Prosecution Delayed Again

Paul Jacob, Susan Johnson, and Rick Carpenter, have been under threat of prosecution for many months, over charges that they conspired to bring out-of-state petition circulators to Oklahoma. On November 18, the state finally had its chance in court to persuade a judge that the three should stand trial. This process had been expected to start on November 17 and be continued on November 18. However, it was delayed until November 18, and did not finish. The judge who is hearing the case said that he and his courtroom are not available for perhaps two months to finish the process, so it will reconvene early next year.


Paul Jacob Prosecution Delayed Again — 6 Comments

  1. Oh my God, you mean Americans from outside of Oklahoma travelled into Oklahoma and asked people to sign petitions. That’s horrible! How dare they think that they can engage in 1st amendment activies in Oklahoma! This is a henious crime that ranks right up there with murder, arson, rape, armed robbery, and extortion. (SARCASM)

  2. Attempting to enforce the law will make it easier to the law to be declared unconstitutional.

    The high number of signatures coupled with no outside help.

    The attempt to use the law and failing to get on the ballot.

    Any rational judge would agree. Unfortunately, there are many judges that don’t appear rational.

  3. So much for a speedy trial. What has it been, 13 months since the original indictments? If the AG can’t get his act together in over a year, the case ought to be thrown out.

  4. Agreed. Speedy trial is an issue. Does OK have the ability to have cases dismissed “in the interest of Justice” like CA does?

  5. What does he mean by he and his court room are unavailable? Is he hosting parties there for the next two months?

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